Very cool. First time hearing about your project.
These ones are quite good.
Thank you for sharing this gift with us
+1 for the wiki link to check it out.
Order a pizza.
If someone steps on that, they are probably going to go through. The membrane looks solid, I don't know if with heat or age if a hole could form. When we reroofed my garage, we didn't leave any holes like that. Any soft spots got resheeted in plywood. Small gaps are probably okay, but that looks like 1 foot+
So it's dark souls Pinocchio? The visuals look pretty good, interesting looking grimdark? world.
But then we would have to use reddit again 💁
Baconreader was life
I like that you are interested in veting the labor practices of the manufacturers when taking into account the low price.
Tried this because of your comment. It's really fun!
So cool. I want to see more.