Roku is a privacy nightmare now.
I hope it made the noise when it happened. and projectivy launcher will make a sizeable difference as will rooting and disabling the telemetry/tracking/ other bullshit. I went that route on my current hisense tv and its been great so far. Not as good as a true dumb tv but its pretty close and it is easier for my family to use without babysitting them.
Cast Iron, durable, cheap, holds heat, its predictable to cook on.
It's like they learned the wrong lessons from the US gymnastics team incidents.
I take issue with your statement. Water is not weak. Water shapes the mountains, can cut steel, and gave rise to life as we know it. Dem leadership has none of those qualities. They are more like old warm pudding on a sidewalk.
Is there an equivalent to WeatherUnderground where the data is communtiy sourced? Preferably a foss type app?
Surely mortgage interest rates will follow right? Right? Yeah, right...
Licking elemental Lithium would be enlightening.
I named my old white bitfenix prodigy m "Baymax" because it was white and had rounded edges.
They make wireless hdmi adapters to just stream from one device to a display.
What are you trying to send and receive on?