Look at this way, you're taking back the insults that they use and throwing back against them in a way that's effective because they are who they are. My interpretation are these insults are not actually meant to be an insult to women, just Trump.
Didn't the federal government buy a pipeline that cost every Canadian (tax payer or not) like $800 each? A pipeline that one of the provinces it passed through didn't want?
What's the fucking difference if you're killing yourself long term or short term, the end result is the same.
Aren't all the lard asses driving everywhere technically the more suicidal ones?...like statistically / numbers-wise?
I'm Canadian, im just waiting to get fucking invaded for no reason.
I find my neoliberal Koolaid tastes like grape.
Okay so DO something about YOUR healthcare then.
Wait, is it possible to run national defense as a business that's for profit? I mean if we all have to live in a capitalist shit hole anyways why not go for broke?
So like, in this case, ciri makes perfect sense as she's by pore, essentially the next be of kin.
I feel the same way about Trump.
It's just darpa controlling the weather bruh