I’ll give them some love
Wow. I really don’t want the government collecting all kinds of information on me. But I also don’t want corporations collecting all kinds of data on me. Can we address that next?
Is that where the tumor is? If not, it could be an abscess. If you can get him to the vet sooner that would be good.
I would never pull out
It would really like that
The DEA needs to be dissolved. We have the FDA for drug safety and otherwise the government needs to stay out of people’s lives.
My grandfather said abortion should be legal through 1st grade. And he wasn’t a liberal.
People are complete assholes on the internet. They say things they would never consider saying in person.
I hope you can ignore and block them and keep posting because we need to keep seeing your sexy ass!
I’d love to see the mess our cum would make in all that hair
God damn your pussy would feel so good around my cock