I mean it's the Onion but this can absolutely be true, shape affects stuff like surface area which can affect the taste experience.
There are a LOT of very good reasons for someone to hate religion as a whole that have absolutely nothing to do with being antisemitic. And I'm saying that as someone who doesn't hate religion myself, though I can understand why some people do, especially since I'm a member of the lgbt community.
"it wasn't the Romans it was the Jews" is also a fact of the most mainstream versions of Christian/Catholic beliefs. It's also a fact of their beliefs that Jesus himself was Jewish, and I was taught both of those things when growing up in a religious school system without ever being taught to blame or hate Jewish people for it because Jewish people were also regularly victims of oppression in the bible being saved whether by Moses or God himself or others. Someone using it as an example of religious infighting doesn't automatically mean it's being used as an antisemitic argument. Whether you take issue with how that account of events came to exist historically isn't the fault of the other commenter, it is still part of the mythos as most people know it, and the conversation was referring specifically to the mythos. Jesus forgiving his own people and telling god "they know not what they do" is kind of an important aspect of his sacrifice and martyrdom.
Well I'm trying to avoid sending anyone after the commenters en mass hence why I censored them but if you look in my comment history you can find the thread about a month back.
It's important not to chug a large amount all at once, it will take time for it to help with a dehydration headache either way and drinking it more spaced out a bit will prevent you from feeling sick. Having to pee more is just part of the price that comes with staying hydrated sadly, but I'd take that over the effects of dehydration.
Those were not the only original definitions of giving by a long shot. Another original definition was to provide, offer, impart, communicate, or pass on something, (hence the phrase "giving off" which has been around for a long time, example: it's giving off radiation), etc. It's not gen Z's fault you don't know all the definitions of giving.
Among a hoard of other career politicians, he is not solely responsible for Trump being elected in any way shape or form.
Processed leather generally isn't biodegradable.
You know Trump was first elected BEFORE Biden was president, right?
Your votes don't exist in a vacuum. There absolutely needs to be election reform to make third party voting a more viable option instead of a liability, but it hasn't happened yet so for now you live in a reality where you're voting in an imperfect system and trying to will the fantasy of a perfect system into existence instead of acknowledging that isn't helping anyone, least of all people who want to be able to actually vote third party.
Already provided examples in another reply.
That's an entirely different argument, and not the argument you were making. You are claiming they are antisemitic because they don't like religion, when being antisemitic is absolutely not the same thing as being anti-religion. And being anti-liberal isn't the same thing as hating gay people just because they're a majority liberal group of people, there are conservative gay people too believe it or not, that's a false equivalence. Also gay people don't choose to be gay, but religion or politics is not something you're born with and are unable to change, religion/politics are willful beliefs and practices and something you choose to be a part of, if you have an issue with hating religion as a whole that's fine you can have that opinion, but argue that instead of making baseless accusations, and use an appropriate argument instead of comparing being gay to being religious. If they'd singled out people who are ethnically Jewish at any point then maybe you'd have half a leg to stand on with that comparison, but they're not talking about ethnically Jewish people they're talking about religion in general, and it's possible to be ethnically Jewish without being religious. Hell they never even named Judaism explicitly in their original comment. It is canon to most mainstream Christian beliefs that Jesus was a Jewish person killed by other Jewish people, whether you like it or not, if you have a problem with that take it up with Christianity but that's not the other commenter's fault.