I think Jill is a great character she's strong without being a "man with tits" she's pretty while wearing practical clothes. Which is why I think it's a shame she feels under utilized. The game has a huge lack of banter while traveling around which is a great way for games to make their characters feel more present.
joined 2 years ago
Exactly. Digg didn't die in a day. Sadly, I'll still probably be occasionally naughty because some important subreddits will likely to be slow to move over but I wouldn't be surprised if by this time next year I'm full time here.
I do think it's a major factor. It first jumped out at me when I loaded into a zone and when the camera was done panning Clive was the only one in the shot.
In say FFVIIR all 3 chars would be in shot. It's minor but stuff like that for sure adds up.