Is this not just the plot to ?
One of the best happy little accidents llm have brought upon us.
Nintendo are not suing over the aesthetic but the mechanics of Palworld. You are really bending over back wards to prove a point that is not being argued.
Well they can actually be/do both.
Just sayin.
Nothing is ever completely new and that should not stop people making things.
pentomino Would like a word.....
Not with that attitude.
"Kirkland brand Dr evil" has been my go to.
Is it weird I agree these are terrible and yet also hope this spurs the end of ground based observation in favor of a larger orbital presence?
Glad someone gets the reference. Also did that at my store once, it is way worse then you would think.
Or if your cat hates you:
- “What’s New Pussycat?” – Tom Jones
- “What’s New Pussycat?” – Tom Jones
- “What’s New Pussycat?” – Tom Jones
- “What’s New Pussycat?” – Tom Jones
- “What’s New Pussycat?” – Tom Jones
Really around here they have made a come back