Isn't this what airdrop was?
Because they deserve it too.
Who gives a fuck about ai. Give me a card good at pushing graphics!
Pretty sure you guys are arguing with a child.
Tombstone literally says 2019
And its actually a real person and hero to the city!
They wont. Its irrational but a large group views your car as a drivable hate symbol. Irrationality is kind of how strong emotions work. (Kind of like how truck bois would coal roll and slash the tires of prius owners)
Did they ever restore the old event list or is it still the mostly useless currated list that the steam version launched with?
Still run a team speak server and also run discord. Our teamspeak voice gets a ton more use but people stream on discord the game they are playing. But they still use teamspeak for voice. Because text isn't persistent on TS we use discord for text and a web forum for long term persistence.
They each have their place. If you can make discord work for you in all cases more power to you but we couldn't.
This ts version looks like they are trying to lose the few parts of their consumer base they have left. If we wanted discord for everything we would have already left TS.
Id like to point out there are also some really good mobile apps for lemmy. I use sync for lemmy. Hopefully others will recommend there favorites. There are quite a few good ones!
Are you saying their baggage isn't cute?
Spent a year and a half unemployed and it was the best time of my life. The only part that sucked was the looking and interviewing for jobs part.