Some of them could make sense to be reposted, but the overwhelming majority of them are useless because nobody is going to respond to them. I'm glad that blocking the bot hides all of these posts.
joined 2 years ago
Neovim works well for me. If you want to get some IDE-like features out of the box you can try AstroNvim I also use rust-tools for some extra features: Customizing Neovim might be scary at first, but there are lots of resources to learn from and you can basically do anything you want with it.
With ~10 people on the team, many products, and dozens of repositories that we maintain, rarely. Maybe a few times per month. In the two years I've been with this company, I haven't run into a single merge conflict that wasn't straightforward to sort out.
I removed mine from my Fold 3 after it started peeling after ~ one year of use. I used it for another year without issues; the screen felt more like plastic without a protector. I peeled mine off slowly, starting from a corner and applying as little force as possible. I think most people don't have any issues with removing it, but you never know. I've seen a post or two from people who broke theirs doing it. If I had a valid warranty, I would have replaced it at a Samsung store.