
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

If it only supported bidirectional charging, I’d consider buying one.

[–] 149 points 1 month ago (5 children)

It didn’t resemble a Nazi salute. It was a Nazi salute.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

A shame what we actually NEED are ordinary sedans.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Guessing you got “precedent” autocorrected.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

And here we are on a decentralized sharing service.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Low engagement and tends towards geeky grumpy right wing old men. Or Germans.

[–] -2 points 3 months ago

I think the first step would be to learn how to spell the company’s name. Or prevent autocorrect from messing up.

Either way, really.

Happy Pooch (

A sleepy white hound dog with her chin on the photographer's lap.

[–] -1 points 4 months ago

Even before I looked at the AU domain, somehow I knew this was not Melbourne Florida. Unfortunately.

[–] 8 points 4 months ago

I see. So you can’t tell the difference between a shark and a boat.

[–] 18 points 4 months ago (3 children)

This attitude mystifies me. When you’re swimming in shark infested waters, do you worry that the only viable boat around isn’t aimed exactly at the vacation destination you dream of?

Or are you unable to tell a rowboat from a man-eating shark?

[–] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Shows how much I hate Google that it being unremovable on this car removes it from my consideration.

[–] 9 points 5 months ago

A perfect example of “give the people what they think they want, and they’ll make something entirely unusable.”


Pretty much the title. I’ve got an old (circa 2012) MacBook Pro with no screen that’s running Ubuntu, but since day one of the install it has never recognized the touchpad. I’ve been using it with an external mouse, which works, but it’s much less convenient and elegant than if I had even basic touchpad use.

Any ideas on how I might make this work?


I think I've done my research, but damn if I can find what I'm looking for in the US. Even talked to my installer, who had nothing.

From what I can tell, my sole option for V2H, using the vehicle's batteries to back up the house, is the Ford Lightning. Maybe the Mach-E?

In fact, what I'd actually like is a CAR. Not a crossover, not a SUV. An actual CAR.

  • The Lightning is WAAAY too much "car" for me.
  • Best I can tell, Polestar is only "testing" V2anything.
  • Kia/Hyundai only has V2L.
  • Volkswagen ID4? I'm unclear.
  • Mini has nothing.
  • Leaf has something, but leaf is too little for being useful in terms of KwH.

Again, I'm in the US. And I already have an Enphase solar install, so I can't totally switch to some other sort of turnkey soup to nuts solution. I don't have batteries for the house, and want a vehicle that can be that as well as a mode of transport.

I'm also not an electrical engineer, so what that guy in this forum who built his own rack of components to make V2H work with his Ioniq is not something I can do.

Any help?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Don’t expect this to happen, but Cephalon Suda should have such a hard-on for Albrect’s lab that the Necralisk would be lousy with Synoid assault teams trying to figure out how to get in. If they DO get in, it will be our task to keep them from “investigating” the lab with Synoid Heliocors.

The labs look big, and there will be a lot to explore. Almost certainly, things to repair as well.

Instead of Encrypted Journal Fragments or Thousand Year Fish, we’ll have to find Lost Floppy Disks.

Instead of Corrupted Holokeys, we’ll have to find Serial to VGA Connectors.

Rather than hunting for Void Plumes, we must have Albrecht’s Nice Parker Pen. We only need one, but it has a 99.98% drop rate on Rotation C.

Dropping on Rotation C with a heartbreaking 0.02% chance: the Legendary CD-ROM Reader upgrade.

Failing a mission will result in the Blue Screen of Void. Available on all platforms!

Somehow it didn’t make the cut-off for the update, but I’m sure DE has a blade and whip skin featuring a Ethernet cable tied to a Swiss Army CyberTool.

And the great mystery of the update, to be revealed in Echos of Whispers: How the CPU fan is full of cat hair even though Kalimos is hairless.


We became the Void Orphans because we wanted an emphasis on fun, learning, and social interaction. We don’t recruit randomly, preferring to know that a new member will fit our vibe.

That vibe is friendly, helpful, social, and tolerant of all kinds of people who are also tolerant. (If you’re the sort of person who thinks it’s OK to use “That’s gay” pejoratively, move along. Racists can fuck right off. )We are an eclectic bunch of men and women from six+ different countries and don’t have time for racists or the intolerant. LGBTQBP welcome! Also, the clan Elder named his rail jack the Starry Plow and if you know what that refers to without looking it up, you’re definitely our kind of people.

While the core of the clan is MR21+ all the way to Legendary 3, we specifically seek lower MR players looking for some guidance and assistance in this massively complex game. We’re happy to point you on the right road to farming, getting frames, modding, whatever. And while there’s a definite culture of “oh hey, you like the [weird weapon] and I don’t, you want this riven for it?” we want you to achieve things on your own, with our help. And our focus is on fun, not being meta. You want to main Zephyr? Great, I do too. Let’s talk in clan chat :) In fact, you’ll probably annoy us if you exclusively are a Zoom & Boom meta player in clan squads.

We’re a Storm clan with about 60 members, and have no plans to ever exceed Storm size though we would ultimately like to be around 20 regularly active Orphans. We know that new games happen, and new content in other games, so we don’t have an inactivity kick policy.

Void Orphans has a fine dojo with a restrained aesthetic and convenient layout, 0% trade tax, a clan badge that’s clear, visible and fashion frame compatible, players who are active every day, and leadership by consensus. Our discord server is the place to discuss plans, to get a sense of how we do things, and to contribute your thoughts. There is no authoritarian nonsense, no edicts imposed from above, no mandated donations to the clan vault. Instead there’s a communal discussion of what short and long term goals to work toward and how to achieve them, and a “hey MR5, do you need a hand doing this week’s RailJack missions? I’ll host.” tradition.

A mic is not required, but would be very, very handy. I’ll even say preferred.

Sound like your kind of people? Message the poster, Mpeach45, here. I’ll get you a discord link to start, and let you know how to reach us in the Origin System. Please be 18+ and in some time zone where your play hours overlap at least a little with UTC +5 (US Eastern Time)


Covert Bond should be for stealth frames, right?

Yeah, don’t do that.

Covert Bond makes sentinels feel invincible and they go ham all the time it is active. This alerts enemies right in the middle of your stealth mission. Even putting Hush et al on the sentinel won’t help because sentinel weapons are too weak to kill in one shot.


I’ve used Mag probably a half a dozen times to unlock versions of this riven, and today, with 25 minutes of mission and about 8 Dargyns spawned, it did not work even once. Typically I get at least 75% success rate per time I get Magnetize around a flying pilot/ This time, every single pilot fell out of the magnetize bubble still screaming.

Didn’t notice this in any patch notes, but then I didn’t read it that closely.

Guess I’ll try the Tentacle Swarm trick, but that’s a LOT less common to be able to set up. On the plus side, the Hydroid rework suggests that once a pilot is in the tentacles, they WILL die off the ground. That was not a sure thing before.


A little extra fun during today’s sortie. Once 3 of us were at extraction, the hostage teleported there.


Looking in to the void gate from the Corpus side of Marduk.

I'm pretty sure this was not here a few weeks ago.


To be clear, this is from the Jackal side, so we’re looking IN to the void from the outside.

This has changed recently, right? I think I would have noticed it.

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