This is a great innovation by Phillips, and it follows rule 8 from my best selling business book, “12 rules for business”.
Rule 8: The business is always right - never give customers a choice when you can dictate the terms to them instead.
This is a great innovation by Phillips, and it follows rule 8 from my best selling business book, “12 rules for business”.
Rule 8: The business is always right - never give customers a choice when you can dictate the terms to them instead.
I’m coming to your funeral now just to piss you off
You are a terrible landlord. I would have evicted and found somebody who could pay full price, and kept her security deposit to cover the transition. I doubt you are as successful of a landlord as me because you make foolish business decisions.
An inspiration, all teachers should do this!
Wrongo! Strikes are bad for EVERYONE and should be ILLEGAL! Whenever I hear whispers of union stuff at my company I fire the guilty employee and I also call the cops on them and say I saw a drug deal happening at their house.
That was only the first wave of NFTs, it's normal for this to happen with any technology. The oldest first generation of televisions and radios also became worthless as newer better ones came out. The next generation of NFTs is going to be more impressive and earn even more profits for their creators, mark my words. If anybody wants to get in on the ground floor of NGNFT (next gen NFT) drop me a line and I can help you make 1000x your initial investment.
This young man should be an inspiration to the rest of you, an ideal tenant and employee that gives every penny he earns back to the economy. The world would be better off with a few more Steven T Johnson's and a few less Greta Thumburgs.
Your commute is your own problem, I don't pay my employees for driving to work, they can always move closer to the office or sleep in their cars in the parking lot overnight if driving home and back is such a big deal.
So no, I won't be paying you to drive home and furthermore, at my businesses I have a swear jar policy; every swear word an employee says I take a dollar/hour off their pay for that day. So watch your potty mouth or you'll be the one who ends up paying me.
As a capitalist myself, you’re my favorite kind of person. I love the ones that don’t question anything, do as they’re told and take whatever they get. Thank you for being you! ❤️
Now, hope you aren’t posting on the clock! If so get back to work you little scamp (imagine I’m affectionately ruffling your hair right now).
Per the article, it’s the latter.
The tweets, the articles, and even the journalists and news sites were crafted entirely by artificial intelligence algorithms, according to the person behind the project, who goes by the name Nea Paw and says it is designed to highlight the danger of mass-produced AI disinformation.
I think I spelled “rite” right, all right?
The electoral college is good because it stops mob rule from taking over America and doing tyrannies against the minority of wealthy entrepreneurs.