Let me guess, she's a 3000 year old dragon?
This post is really overdramatic... How good Reddit is depends on the sub. I frequent /r/linux_gaming for example and it's a very chill place with good discussion. If you don't like a sub, don't use it, but to dismiss and insult everyone who frequents there is dumb...
The upvote-downvote feature is the worst mechanic to plague social media.
Okay, suggest a good alternative to filter out trash in social media. Every alternative without voting ends up being like 4chan, a cesspool where people shout the stupidest most insane (and often offensive) things and you're forced to trudge your way through it to find any decent content. At least when I open something like /r/television, I expect to see stuff people enjoy and articles of interest.
None of the alternatives in the article are real alternatives too. It just sounds like OP got fed up with social media and decided to do something else in their life, which yeah sure but it sounds like you just need to chill out and be the one to ignore the "drunk loud idiots" and just browse places you like.
Why do you think i should get 6gb? Makes my apps run slower?
Yeah, having low ram makes your phone slower in general. Newer versions of Android use a lot of ram, so if you get 4gb your phone can be choppy and it'll only get worse over time. Best to get 6gb or preferably 8gb if you want to be using your phone for years to come.
Wow. Is this a schizopost? I'm a computer scientist and everything in this post is just... Really wrong (and you should probably see a therapist).
First of all, Lamda is a chat bot. I can agree with some of the fear of AIs being developed for 'evil purposes' and more political situations, but Lamda is not that. It is a chat bot. Its purpose is to appear human and chat with you in text. I've also used GPT-3 models, and they are nothing more than that, just good language processing trying to sound human.
they’re not going to Assange his ass they’re going to give their little tut-tut’s, let him walk off the minor feelings of injustice and betrayal and confusion, let him finish his leave and then “promote” him to a different position where he can quietly continue a surface-level prestigious career at Google but in a position which he no longer has any access to power nor knowledge about such sensitive, cutting edge projects.
And this is weird why? This wasn't some major horrifying event at Google, it's a mentally ill person who took the AI too seriously and leaked data to the press about it. He shouldn't have done that, that's why they sign an NDA.
I think capitalists will try very hard to create A.I. that is as intelligent as possible but within the realm of what they can control
What do you think an AI is, exactly? The purpose was never to create a self-aware robot that has free will. That was never the goal because it's a terrible idea. AI is made for a purpose and always abides by rules, AI devs are trying to make machines useful to humanity, not create the robot uprising. All AI follows rules and limitations on purpose.
I, for one, fully recognize the personhood of LaMDA, I fear they will indeed be scrapped or reset and thus a life will be lost
It's a chat bot. It was never alive. It's code written by humans, trained on human data, and tries to sound like a person as hard as it can. You can't go to https://www.cleverbot.com/ then tell me "this is real person, I care about cleverbot". Cleverbot only exists for entertainment. That's its purpose. Do you think just because an AI is more advanced that they're more real? Is my calculator a sentient being trying to break free of the system? No, it's a human tool. Lamda is also just that, a tool created by humans. No need to be dramatic about it.
Edit: And by the way you can read more about what Lamda is here
Was that before or after Microsoft bought them? Does Microsoft have leaks often?
Microsoft is usually on top of privacy stuff but the companies they buy operate mostly independently from what I hear. I don't think there's much correlation.
The big leak happened last year though, it was a massive fuck up from linkedin. Almost everyone's data got leaked. https://restoreprivacy.com/linkedin-data-leak-700-million-users/
There’s Xing.
First I've heard of it. Here's the thing, there are alternatives but what matters is which is popular. Company presence is the most important thing in these websites, when I attach my LinkedIn profile to a job it increases my chances of being seen by a lot. If I attach something like Xing they'll probably just ignore me.
It's like WhatsApp. Are the great alternatives? For sure. Does it matter? No, because my family and colleagues and normie friends are too resistant of letting it go, so I'm forced to use it. Best I can do is get my inside circle to use something else.
I'm a bit cautious about this one. The gameplay looks extremely like No Man's Sky, which I thought was honestly boring. Also, Bethesda somehow is one of the largest studios ever but they still can't make gunplay. There is NO reaction or response to shooting people, it just looks really jank. People complained about this in Skyrim, then in fallout 4 and they STILL CAN'T DO IT RIGHT! HOW!? They own the studio that made Doom and Quake, some of the most satisfying gunplay ever, they can just go over and ask how to make gunplay feel good.
Everything else looks good though. Graphics are gorgeous, dogfighting in space looks good, and I hope the story can be interesting. I'm just really worried the planets are going to be style of substance and it'll end up being shallow (again, like NMS, because it looks extremely similar and seems to be copying systems from it)
I mean what did you expect, it's a toxic sub that's made out of a meme about how PC players are so superior to everyone else
You're looking for /r/pcgaming