The attack on Iran by Israel would have been called state terrorism if it had been the other way around.
Iran hasn't done anything to us. This is bizarre war mongering.
Was the person arrested a billionaire by any chance?
Laws like that don't apply to oligarchs.
"Sorry Iran, only Israel can act with impunity"
Kissing Netanyahu's ass is obligatory however.
Or at least outlast a lettuce.
You can support israel's genocide but woe betide you if you oppose it.
A welcome move. I'm glad Labour aren't sugar coating rolling back the Tories knee jerk populist legislation that trampled over our rights for nothing.
Very interesting. % of median salary sounds like the way to go to slow down the increase in pensions spending. It's crazy that it's the second biggest government spending after the NHS.
You can support Israel's genocide but they cancel the fuck out of you if you oppose it.
The Brits haven't even come to terms with the shit they did in India you think they'll ever own up to the chaos they've caused in the Middle East?
Just take comfort that the UK is an irrelevance now.