If creatures like Luke Akehurst are the future of the Labour party then I'm never voting for them again.
You can't placate extremists. Appeasement was a dirty word for a reason.
I havent seen West Wing because I thought it wouldn't have aged well. Is it still watchable?
Hope they manage to remove it before Labour become fans of authoritarian laws. That seems to happen to governments after a certain period in office.
I agree cars are indispensable in certain cases but that shouldn't detract from the need to reduce journeys by car. In London 1 in 3 schools are close to roads with illegal levels of N02 pollution. Improving air quality is critical to preventing damage to young lungs as well as improving road safety.
Active travel should be a key part of this. People need to switch from driving to walking and cycling.
Fewer cars on the road will also improve air quality in cities.
If he could put the Labour Friends of Genocide in their place that would be good
Kid Starver and Labour Friends of Genocide will ignore the call.
The US is banning TikTok.
The next four years are going to be fun.
Only democracy in the Middle East..most moral army in the world....start up nation...antisemitism anti semitism anti semitism ad infinitum
Agreed. The triple lock needs to be ditched or at least means tested.
48% of our ENTIRE welfare budget goes on pensions, that is £138 billion per annum, and the lions share is the state pension. It is a larger proportion of spending than Universal Credit, child benefit and disability benefit combined!
Pensions have become ever more costly because of the triple lock. It needs to be reformed. A new government with a massive majority is the right time to do it.
Source: https://obr.uk/forecasts-in-depth/tax-by-tax-spend-by-spend/welfare-spending-pensioner-benefits/