Bazzite or Cachyos. One is designed for Gaming and be harder to break, One is Designed for Performance.
Bruh man (Get it?)
Ramila is a Professional gambler 🔥🔥🗣🗣
Am living in qatar and am from Syria so it counts am Arab (am literate at the language tho)
I Dont think is for you, Please try to be respectful.
Thats even worse then i Live(Which most of the stuff are blocked are Vpns,Porn sites and some lgbtq sites i am pretty sure btw am not in saudi am living in a country bordering it)
Tor isnt blocked here
I didn't know Saudi can block fediverse instances
You can use GIMP if you don't want Affinitys features that gimp doesn't have(eg,Good ux,Advanced tools like image warpping), and krita it's designed for Art not image Manipulation and if you dont wanna pay for Affinity you can try out Photopeas (tho both affinity and photopeas are not open source).
Ngl did not except a social media platform to do this