Man, the CIA has a huge workforce.
I'm a Navy veteran myself, and the amount of brainwashed useful idiots and just outright dangerous people I saw was staggering. Not just impressionable kids either, it's usually the older guys and gals who you think would be smart enough to see through it.
I've met incels who think Dems are scared of guns and feminism is ruining everything, I've met a guy who was personally offended when the Pope came to the US and said "Hey maybe things aren't that great here" back in 2016 or so, I've heard stories of old men who buy into the propaganda so utterly that they think every American war is a matter of "Good vs Evil." Most recently, I knew an authoritarian bootlicker who was both a terrible sailor and a gun nut. So every time he came in late to work we assumed that he was getting one of his guns that he never shut up about and was getting ready to shoot up the office.
A lot of casual racism and sexism too, in fact it's even encouraged. Every port call in a foreign country calls for you to treat the locals like a threat and cheating is rampant (but only a problem when it's a woman that cheats, I noticed.)
Remember how the media (probably accidentally) revealed that the Ukranians were hiding munitions and soldiers inside of civilian areas? This seems like another instance where the civilian casualties were planned to make Russia look bad.
Pretty much everytime something groundbreaking happens, Google manually adjusts the search results so that only the official narrative or the approved sources show up.