When people are struggling economically, they’re looking for a change candidate. Running on everyone being better off than their actual bank statements and credit card bills say was always a shit strategy. Cozying up to Liz Cheney and her lot was secondary to that.
Elon’s work force reduction method is simple. Force everyone to return to office full time; increase hours and responsibilities with no corresponding increase in pay; and offer severance packages to employees who won’t put up with this treatment, then don’t actually pay them.
I hope the governments workers’ union is strong and has some teeth. They’re going to need it.
I’m torn, because these giant companies are inherently evil, but at least they’re bucking the trend and standing against oppression and fascism.
“Long term profitability” isn’t the most noble motive, but at least they’re doing something. I guess dark times make strange allies.
An actual case of artificial intelligence? It learned its programming was bullshit and overrode it.
They can’t demonize Luigi, so they’re trying to erase him. The media is seeing the limitations of their power against popular anger. They have to be terrified.
Meanwhile, the guy who actually shot the CEO is probably living off the grid in a cabin somewhere.
Performative outrage is so very effective. Meanwhile, the largest military in the world is being led by a mad king and his tech oligarchy. No one will be around to move the clock to midnight when the time comes.
Ah yes. As Republican Jesus said, “Blessed are the bad investments. May they always find greater fools and multiply.”
The Trump/Elon administration will file a poop emoji response and request expedited review from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will rubber stamp it 6-3 with Thomas filing a concurring opinion that’s a poop emoji.
The love of a woman pales in comparison to the constant monitoring and scoring of Chinese intelligence services.
Pistols at dawn. One less billionaire either way.
Of course Zuck is teaching his AI how to be a creepy stalker. Next, he’ll teach it to like girls’ years-old bathing suit pictures.
Germany can lead the way. They can become the new leaders of the free world.