TBH my guy, while OP's comment was a non-sequitur and there is a lot of value to posting articles like this and making sure people are aware and stay vigilant of antisemitism and other issues within our own borders, your post history is kinda sus. Like, 90% reasonable and then 10% weirdly pro Russia/China.
The human propensity for ignorance should never be underestimated; I can also see the possibility (to use an example product from the antihate article) someone somehow stumbled into buying shotglasses with norse runes on them because they thought they were cool, not realizing the broader context of the site. Is that likely? No, but again, people are really good at doing dumb shit. :P
Mod support has definitely been mentioned as an eventual goal, IIRC though they didn't have plans to implement an official DM mode.
Wotc can do this, sure... so long as they restrict it to BO1. In BO3, decks needing to run a couple pieces of hate/interaction in the sideboard to deal with a linear combo is good for the health if the game, if anything. (If that's still not enough, then sure, ban it globally. But BO1 and BO3 are fundementally different games.)
It feels like every time I go on the internet, I get reminded I need to be very explicit about what I'm saying. (Or develop a thicker skin. :P) Apologies if I sounded dismissive, I was just trying to say that I don't know exactly how it was approved as I haven't done the research to know, but that wasn't surprised it had been, given the overarching issue with medical studies from the last century failing to be replicated. I'm not trying to imply that I'll somehow dig up the absolute truth of the situation that was previously unknown, I just know I'm making a statement with incomplete information.
Eh... I'd need to look into this specific one more, and it's a bit weirder than 'normal' given this is a drug for a common physiological symptom, but there was a lot of bad medical science done from roughly WWI to the turn of the millennium that nonetheless still underpins some of our commonly available medicines. Clinical psych has it especially bad, but the replication crisis is a problem everywhere.
Yeah, post-shaving alopecia is a thing, especially in double coated breeds. (Which is part of the reason you're supposed to avoid shaving them.)
If you want Canadian but about nerdy things instead of politics, LoadingReadyRun (Victoria BC) has a few, some actual-play tabletop stuff, some Magic the Gathering, some sketch and improv comedy (although they haven't made a new one of those in a while, sadly), etc.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I think perhaps you misread what I said (or I communicated poorly). I'm speaking about the funding incentive to purchase a heat pump. The carbon tax rebates, as you say, are designed to break even by or better for the majority of the population; I've got no issues with that. I was responding to the implication that a transition to electricity was trivial because households could purchase a heat pump for little to no cost. There are households for which the energy costs of resistive heating+heat pump are likely higher than their current heating costs, making this not the case. (Unless there are further rebates I don't know about for people who have a heat pump, beyond covering initial costs?)
That is a true statistic, yes. Without a ton of relevance to the discussion at hand unfortunately. Most of Scandinavia is coastal, and while cold compared to the rest of Europe, has quite mild winters compared to the northern Canadian interior. Additionally, popular in this context is about a 50% adoption rate by household, without much information (that I can find, at least) on distrobution; I suspect most of those are in southern and costal areas, and the (less populated) northern interior primarily relies on other heating methods.
"...you know what the problem is with the CBC? Too much ethics and journalistic integrity."
Who... who is this for? Who wants this? Who hears this and goes "ah yes, this is, A: a real problem, and B: a useful solution to said problem."
Jace can't read. He just alters everyone's memories so they think he can. This is canon, and no one can change my mind. :P