Start with a localised reintroduction, say into MPs bedrooms while they sleep, and then work out into wider areas such as the fens and corporate boardrooms
One Minute Silence
I don’t know exactly, my mate bought it, but if I recall rightly, it was about the same as you saved. Mined sweet fuck all though, so a 50w tube heater may have been a better bet…
We have a battery bank for our solar that was getting too cold in the freezing weather, and we used a little mining rig (that’s designed and marketed as a heater miner, to preempt the “it’s not designed for that” comments), and while it found exactly fuck all of value, it did keep them warm enough to keep our power on
Good Japanese tools are pretty much unparalleled
Do Americans think they don’t have an accent?
Electric Fight Orchestra is kinda fire
Author’s website, which, after playing a little text game, takes you to a better place to buy it from than Bezos’s fetid swamp -
Cool book! Weird how the article doesn’t link to the author’s website -
Can we not use the human rights act to ban the tories?
No one needs a car that will randomly turn hard right
Ok, this was on sale this weekend, and bugger me if this isn’t one of the weirdest, most amazing games I’ve played. I don’t always have the attention span to play a game through once of its not really gripping, but within a short while of starting this I knew I’m going to have to play it at least once more, it’s fantastic