I wouldn't be surprised if all those idiotic conspiracy theories that just can't die despite being neither logical nor blessed with even tiny amount of proof are peddled by CIA to obscure the real pedo rings and billionaire clubs and brand anyone trying to find out "tinhat" or something like that.
Guys you heard it, explosion of 3bn grant program is actually not good.
Lmao should have build a commieblock instead.
It is, vampires are checking how much bloodsucking will cattle allow to. Otherwise known as "marketing".
As a Mexican I can say the average person here believes the US is a utopia where everyone is rich, owns a huge suburban house, has material abundance, public schools are great, there’s no crime, and you can get all of this off a blue collar worker’s wage.
This was one of the deciding factor in socialism annihilation in Europe. We were flooded with such propaganda about USA and mostly West Germany. People simply did not known such social stratification as a concept, the gap between poorest and richest income was like 1 to 6, they thought everyone lives like top labour aristocracy in the FRG...
The more i think of it, it is clear that the socialism did not lost Cold War or the economic war. Socialism lost culture and propaganda war, they sown the seeds of their own destruction for allowing the subtle lies to seep.
It totally do. I live in Poland, which is crazy enough for me to inspire my username, but i never got even close in the number of "wtf" moments about any other country as for the US. Especially that since 30 years we are constantly get our heads drilled it's a country of freedom, democracy, opulence, equality and opportunity.
A headline below that i will drop here without comment:
Florida once again has giant calamitous snails that spew parasitic brain worms
Politically speaking, stochastic terrorism of this kind is beneficial to the ruling class - some level of it will turn the attention from their normal business (which is the cause of the terrorism in the first place) and it also always raise acceptation of police oppression, therefore it empowers the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
There's also personal level - just how many of people supposedly having to defend the people are psychos or fascists themselves who have similar worldview but who have an outlet for their hate in work? Let's just mention the 40% or the dog killings as small examples (and that's just the police, not to mention letters or military).
In short - there is probably no conspiration. It does not have to be, because it is the facet of dictatorship of bourgeoisie and it work just like it - shootings are the consequences of unbearable life.
No idea, but my surprise level would reach exactly zero.