You must have been watching a different debate
Or their campaign finances are so tight fighting legal battles they can't afford to pivot.
But remember it all trickles down... right... RIGHT? /s
The purchasing power the LCBO has is crazy. So, removing that dynamic will increase prices and ruin selection.
This guy is a 🤡.
Not American, but why can't it be both? American election cycles are such a circus. There is so much time left before the election.
It will be interesting to see what happens when he actually has to come up with actual policies that aren't Trudeau bad.
I'm dating myself here, but when I was in elementary school, it was rare that it was needed in June and September. It's definitely not the case anymore.
Can't they just stop building Catholic schools already?
I feel bad for the staff who have to enforce this bull shit.
It's interesting to see what damages get awarded.
Uber sucks anywhere outside the core.