Good to see, not sure why Ottawa needed to expand in the first place.
I'm guessing Bank Street?
Just got rid of my gas stove and got induction. I will never cook with gas again. They have way faster heating and temperature control. Any one who says different hasn't used induction.
I don't think it has anything to do with transit, it's the developers who want to cash in on all that rural land they have been buying up
Well you want the best defense strategy as possible, because it reduces the risk of having an appeal.
I just assume most comment sections is foreign propaganda
Wait till they find out what plastic is made out of and how that impacts carbon emissions.
His base doesn't care.
So tired of these clowns.
I wouldn't really call it a scheme. Saving that interest while you prepay, pays down your mortgage quicker.
You just have to look at the numbers and with rates so high right now I think it makes sense. But I am not an expert.🤣
So it's not even a HELOC, interesting. I wonder if there is a limit?
It says on the site it's not available with the smart fixed mortgage. I'm wondering if it's like open mortgage with a higher rate?
Edit. So I think only the pre payment money is available, and it's less flexible then a HELOC. But if you were saving for a big purchase like a trip or a car. I think it could work, unless that money can make more else where.
I smell an election coming...