Don't read them, don't watch them, don't buy their stuff. It's all up to us (consumers) whether bad actors are successful or not. Rage against your fellow citizens for giving them oxygen and money instead.
I think you’re reading me wrong. A discussion on law and order would be too long winded (and peppered with points of view - some irreconcilable ) for me to entertain at this time. Let’s just say that ‘muzzling’ the citizenry is a double edged sword. We ought not invite anarchism nor encourage tyranny, it’s a fine balance. And where the fourth estate is concerned, a rocky path at best where, should we tread too heavily, we will impoverish our society. I hope that makes my thinking clear on this issue my friend. It is hardly controversial.
#lawAndOrder #FeedomOfThePress
‘Forcing’ is akin to tyranny and would limit our ability to explore and debate perspectives other than our own thereby closing ourselves off from any possibility of ‘learning’, ‘growing’ and bettering ourselves.
I love Grace. What Courageous individual.