Sorry I triggered you. I was predestined to make the comment I made. This one too. Please choose to disengage if it would benefit you most.
I'm always open to any evidence to change my position, I just never am presented with any.
Sorry I triggered you. I was predestined to make the comment I made. This one too. Please choose to disengage if it would benefit you most.
I'm always open to any evidence to change my position, I just never am presented with any.
It was relevant to this discussion as I'm saying I similarly wouldn't bring this truth up with someone like my mother or similar as shown in the original post.
My goal is not to convince anyone who feels differently, I just felt others could relate to my example. I will not provide any explanation unless specifically asked as my goal here is not to force my knowledge onto someone who doesn't want it.
Until the idiots all complained about it being 'creepy'. Ever since the tracking completely continued, but no longer with any benefit to us.
Great job idiots. Why people just don't opt not to use features they find 'creepy' I'll never understand. They are only satisfied if they bring it down for everyone.
Agreed. Also genetic heritage. I literally didn't have any choice in any of it. And to pretend my genetic heritage is somehow something to be more proud of than any other genetic is literally racist.
This applies to all races equally.
It seems a bit weird to punish raping your own daughters less severely than importing cannabis.
I literally just said both should be legal.
But weed shouldn't be legal because alcohol is legal. It should be legal because it should be legal, just like alcohol and fentanyl should be legal.
This is true. What I'm saying is I respect the willingness to 'do it anyway' attitude.
Canada didn't leave the UN.
Would be cool if they said fuck you to the EU.
People kept worrying about Canada breaking a UN rule but Canada said fuck it and did it anyway.
Did this actually happen to you? I've been to, and even smoked weed in (discreetly), Germany many times as a tourist without issue. It was just annoying that it was technically illegal...but no one ever attempted to drug test me or ask me about drug use at all.
I do not believe I had free will to make or not the comment. And this seems upsetting to many. So I suggest they just keep their world view if it benefits them.