And you get a delicious bread treat after your meal ;)
Thanks for sharing! This is very cool, some great common sense in action.
Point no. 3 here makes me wonder. Is it worth making plastic for temporary items circular? In the end it will find its way into the trash. Would it be better to bite the bullet and just outlaw plastic in these situations? I guess plastic is very useful especially in regards to food safety.
It aims to: Prevent and reduce packaging waste, including through more reuse and refill systems. Make all packaging on the EU market recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030. Safely increase the use of recycled plastics in packaging. Decrease the use of virgin materials in packaging and put the sector on track to climate neutrality by 2050.
Another win for the EU! Forcing Apple to adopt USB Type C was such a huge triumph also.
Very cool idea. It reminds me of how many receipts are printed just to be immediately tossed in the bin by the cashiers or customers. It's maddening.
I feel like there is an equation in here
Thanks for this!
Apologies, I assumed you meant using waste, i.e. packaging materials that are not easily reused, to ensure food safety. Glass is great in comparison to plastic.
I'm not sure how useful this exercise is, but I like to boil things down to the basic "cavepeople fighting for survival scenario".
In this scenario, art is irrelevant. So are any politicians that don't offer immediate results such as more food or more water.
What matters is survival by means of effectively allocating resources and defending those resources. This is where ambition comes in.
These drives don't go away when survival is no longer at risk. They are inherent to our being because they ensure our survival. Unfortunately, we also love excess.
I fear the current system exists because our nature has resulted in it existing.
I am unfamiliar with the potlatch system, so please forgive me if I am misunderstanding it, but I would guess that the fact it is no longer around and capitalism is proves that it is not a viable long term solution that humans would gravitate towards.
I fear that eventually someone in the system would think "those people who are giving away their stuff are gaining social approval, sure, but at the end of the day I have all of my resources and can use them to accumulate more, and then social approval will be irrelevant because I will own all of the wealth"
Admittedly I need to learn more about degrowth. However, I feel GDP is just a manifestation of multiple cases of personal ambition.
Let's say we all worked to the point that we had equal, abundant luxuries. Surely at this point we are happy and need no more? Unfortunately I think this is not the case. If a person or a group identifies a route to greater success, or dominion over others, it's likely they will take it, just for the sake of being more powerful.
Then apply this not just to the individual, but to the group, and then to the nation.
Ahhh nothing is sacred :(