Not the seat. The rim. The seat doesn't create a seal.
Doublespeak. Republicans actively work to twist the meaning of words to their base to fit their agenda, so that the other side playing by the rules and being fair looks like political cheating. That way Republicans can engage in political cheating themselves and claim self defense.
In today's flavor, "legal standard" means "the ability to make us lose" so they want to apply their own "legal standard" to democrats.
It sounds dumb to anyone paying attention, but their voters will eat this up.
You really like the black and white arguments, don't you?
Controlling a source of money doesn't mean the only option is to print so much of it that inflation eats the whole economy.
Let me ask you this: if the US is so bad at managing the debt it owes to its people, how come we have functioned as an economy under that debt for the last several decades?
I don't need to show you statistics to shed light on their intent. It's not hard to figure out what they're doing. It's also not hard to see that what they're doing is damage control. The result of that would be keeping their polls from going down, not making them go up. You can't prove a negative, so I don't know what you want me to do.
As far as diluting the seriousness of what they've done, go turn on fox news. They blast Biden's "insurrection" and impeachment "proceedings" 24/7. Do you need more proof than that?
Lastly, if you're trying to defend your original statement, you're preaching to the choir here. You don't have to be an asshole about it. It's a bit asinine to assert that they aren't doing it with intent.
It's a bad argument to consider not enforcing the law, but it's not an incorrect statement. Republicans responded to the impeachment of Trump by continously trying to impeach Biden. They're responding to the insurrection by pointing at things dems do and yelling insurrection.
It's dumb and incorrect, but it's pretty effective at diluting the seriousness of those particular actions to their own voter base. You could argue that that's the point.
It's the structure of our "first past the post" system. Basically, each party gets one representative on the presidential ticket. The two major parties have primaries where the top candidates compete in a vote within themselves, and the winner gets put on the presidential ticket for that party.
The obvious problem with that is that the party convention picks the candidate, not the voters. So it's possible to buy a party's candidate or for the conventions to snub popular choice in favor of not shaking things up too much in the status quo.
The latter point, the democratic party picking lukewarm candidates that are moderate at best because the establishment doesn't want to disturb the status quo, has been a problem for a long time and is a major reason democrat voters don't go to the polls. still has hexbear. The toxicity is the same as it ever was, going strong