Brave search is fine. For browser, I use IceCat on computer and Navi from F-Droid. For VPN I use Riseup VPN.
I was enthusiastic for Jami around 7 years ago, but now it is wholly irrelevent or meaningless. It also hurts the fact that absolutely nodo is using it.
Now with having Jitsi to use, which is a service and not a program so it doesn't matter if nobody is on there, plus SimpleX and Signal, as good as Jami legitmately is, it truly means absolutely nothing.
I am already of the opinion that there too many messenging apps and not enough people using open source encrypted apps of any kind to move the market away for corporate proprietary messengers. I'm always working on getting people off of Whatsapp on to Signal/Molly. Maybe Jami team should quit and jump to developing SimpleX.
Instead of simply criticizing SimpleX, talk with the developers directly about a passphrase recovery and see what they have to say about it for them to address your point directly insteadig of you saying it but never sharing your feedback with them.
You could call it p2p since there is no Jami servers. Yes it does messaging and video conferencing. I see no point to Jami due to having to me installed compared to Jitsi would does group video cinferencing without installing it, and anybody can run their own Jitsi server to host conferences to keep them even more private away from the broader internet. The email service I use also has a Jitsi service available that I have used for video conferencing.
I am strongly supportive of what Jami does, I don't see it ever replacing a similar service like Jitsi or Sgnal.
It has been updated awhile through Chocolatey for Windows, Fedora maintains a version of IceCat, and anyone who ports Fedora's version like SpakyLinux for Devuan/Debian.
Also the scripts are publicly available to strip Firefox and turn into Icecat, otherwise everybody can use Librewolf.