JWST!? Seems like - Jane Rigby Space Telescope would be a more suitable name :) :)
My phone is muted/silenced and im still experiencing vibrations. Other apps do not vibrate when my device is changed to mute. (Galaxy Note 9)
Very nice! Would be nice to turn off all vibrations/noises from the app
Well theres the Normandy SR2
Incredible. Very humbling
What a handsome man!
Love this idea!
I love my Tidal subscription. Most everything that's on Spotify is on Tidal now unless it's an exclusive. Most annoying part will be tranferring your playlists
"essential to honor our community's heritage."
Bruh Virginia's heritage is a rocky slope filled with plenty of POS racists. Dont honor the few traitors weve had out of the countless individuals who excelled and made this country what it is today
LG OLED TV I use for gaming (65G2)
I will never go back to LCD haha. It's a much better picture
I wouldnt worry about burn in with modern day 'pixel shift' technology and the panels are much better about not burning in than they used to be
My grandmother's old two cat brothers used to eat each others whiskers off