I was curious about this, so I looked into it. According to the Duke center for Firearms Law, one study found that "nearly 95 percent of all uses of “bear arms” conveyed the idiomatic sense relating serving in the military". Another found usage to be 66% military, 21% both military and civilian, and 13% ambiguous. But it sounds like there are a lot of primary sources uses of non-military contexts, especially directly preceding the war for independence.
I'm on your side and I think this is an interesting point, but personally, I'm not convinced this is the strongest argument. We should be able to regulate firearms, even if "bear arms" means "carry arms for private use".
Oof, I keep going in circles. I understand what you mean, but I honestly don’t have such clarity as to who would be better. Trump literally tried to overthrow the US government.
Also, DeSantis may be more book smart, but he just isn’t charismatic enough to wield as much cult-like influence. Trump is scarily adept at manipulating his base.