It's hilarious to me that South Park has been on the air long enough that they had to essentially apologize and admit they were wrong about their edgy climate change contrarianism when reality started catching up.
I’m not sure why you act as if all innocent people are completely innocent.
Yes, and I would argue that it's crueler to put an innocent person through that drawn out process than it is someone whose mistake or carelessness actually caused an innocent life to be lost.
It is a mistake worth dying over? Maybe not, but as long as there is no consequence to getting it wrong, there is literally zero incentive for public officials to get it right, especially those wanting to prove themselves "tough on crime"
Do we ever give the death penalty to someone who kills someone by accident or in an unfortunate situation?
No, but we sometimes give the death penalty to... people who didn't do anything wrong? And maybe, just maybe, it's too easy, too consequence-free, for the state to take someone's life, if it just happens by accident sometimes.
And perhaps at that point, enough people might realize that giving the state the right to execute people is extremely fraught and finally decide it's not worth it.
But it seems like maybe the bloodlust is too strong.
If we believe in the death penalty, then we believe that the state has a right to end someone's life because they unjustly took someone else's.
So if a person was executed and was found posthumously to actually have been innocent, then would we be justified in executing, say, the DA who prosecuted the crime?
You're right! We SHOULD get rid of all health and sanitation laws. Why even try?
There were multiple El Nino events during the period of 1982-2022 and yet none of them come close to 2023.
And getting into a car with a stranger
Is getting into a car with a stranger a crime?
If the cops ever find my Uber history, I'm in trouble.
If you have any specific hobbies / fandoms / communities you're interested in, you could see if there are instances specific to those interests you could migrate your account to. The local feed and local hashtags are sometimes way more interesting if you're on an instance you jive with.
There's a very legitimate chance that Donald Trump could be convicted in multiple cases of multiple crimes and still win the presidency.
The implications of that are terrifying.