I think the width of the first Gesture is too narrow. Can a customization setting be added for this?
I understand. Maybe it can be added to the roadmap as a Pro subscription feature.
Hello. I want to tell you about a feature. This is a feature that is available on Twitter. It will put your app ahead of other apps. With a translation button placed at the bottom of the post, the post can be quickly translated into your native language. It can be applied not only for the post but also for the comments.
Summit is best now
Hello "edit post" not working. There is a bug
They are making a profit in the existing system. But they are ruining the business by acting on the urge to make more Profit.
If a community has grown a lot, unfortunately it takes up all the posts on the homepage. If I were a developer, I would sort by weighted success. For example, if the "x" community has 1000 subscribers and the post gets 100 likes, it has ten percent success. If the other 'y' community has 100 people and gets 11 likes, it has 11 percent success. This overrides the post in community x because the post in community y is more successful. This is the logic of 'weighted success'. With this logic, a better ranking formula can be created.
We don't have community info panel 👋🏻
New version is perfect 👌
Why don't people use "Threema". They can provide lifetime secure communication with a one-time payment. Also, you don't need a phone number. If your phone number is captured, it will not be a problem because Threema provides communication with personal codes, not phone numbers.
Does anyone know about SafeInCloud?
I know a lot of people don't like it. But the people who have changed the world have always been far from ordinary.He prefers to sensationalize rather than advertise.