
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Yo, to be clear; she stated her age in the first sentence bro.

Shes clearly not pretending she's anything other than what she is.

For that matter, I've never met a 32yr old who was ashamed to be 32. Male or female. So pretending to be otherwise WOULD be creepy.

I've been 32. 32 was AWESOME. It's like being 27 but 5 years smarter and with more money. ;)

People tend to deviate in one of two ways as they age, either they are all about everyone's business, maybe helpful, maybe not, maybe pleasent, maybe not. Busybodies. PTA people. Karen's.

Or, they tend to care more about their own opinion of their self than what anyone else thinks about them. Tend to be more goal focused, the kind of goal is irrelevant. There's a picture in their head of who they are trying to be and everything they do is in comparison to that. Other people see their wins, most of these people just see their continual falling short of their mental ideal and can carry a rather bleak opinion of theirselves, which is unfortunate and almost assuredly inaccurate.

People are either looking for solutions or digging for problems.

Like I think homegirl here is just like "fuck chill y'all". She's not about becoming the girl with the "thing", like a cat lady, or girl who peddles to work on her Schwinn, the girl that can quote every primetime cartoon show of the past 15 years, or philosophy/political girl. And intead of just being allowed to be it seems others throw weight on in her cuz her age and she feels it necessary to deflect the "community mom" trope away from her.

Ive spoken with plenty intelligent 21y, plenty stupid as fuck 45y, and plenty normies folk just doing their thing. Age isn't as important to yr journey as young people put it, tho what importance or DOES have increases as you do. At least the older you get the more you tend to know exactly what you want or need (from experience).

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

I don't even understand why this is a issue of contention. The states already have complete, constitutionally granted controlnof how they run their elections, including who is allowed to be on the ballot, that generally being the pervue of the individual Secretarys of State, but each state has its own rules on it.

It was laid out this way to dissuade federal interference and potential corruption.

I'm with you, this is theatrics, stalling.

And Idk about you but the inability of our elected to enforce our law really makes me lose my last two shits about the law. Justice delayed is justice denied. when peaceful means of justice are out of reach, then violent ones are not only inevitable, but logical.

If you can't be famous, you can ALWAYS be infamous.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I wasn't talking about Trump having rizz, thats about the trope. I assumed the Cruise/Kidman exemplifies the dynamic. Melania isnt taller than Trump anyway.

I brought it up solely to shine a brighter light on Trumps insecurities, sorry if that wasn't clear.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

[Hang with me a sec and it'll become clear, I promise]

Casino dealers get a break every 90-120min that they have to take (barring short staffing event outliers). Being a croupier is not what most would call physically demanding, when contrasted to, idk, framing. But it's mentally exhausting.

Just so everyone's at the same understanding, in yr average 2000cal day, the brain burns 1200 of those calories. All your physical exertion burns the last 800cal. So some muscles are more energy intensive than others.

Casinos did the science and found that people are cost effective, more or less good to go, with 90min of engaging mental exertion. Think arithmetic, not calculus. After 90 mistakes become more expensive then giving the person a 20 min break to let their brain clear out cortisol or lactic acid.

That means there's about a 2hr buffer of ATP in the body before we start slipping.

Don't deny workers their calories. It's bad all around, for all parties.

(Fantastic last lines, btw)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I've done the job, I know exactly how much work I'm asking for for 90secs under a clamshell. The reality is there's too much salt on the food anyway, take it up with the boss dictating not the consumer looking to minimize damage to their health.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I'm glad he not in this situation now and for sure, sometimes you just need protein and want something hot, I get it.

When I was in that situation there were def days when I'd hit up Jack in box, with my very specific order, knowing 100% full well that I could do this once a week and not go into the red. I tried to avoid it, but sometimes the body wants what it wants.

And absolutely, I wasn't adding to offer an end all solution, nor do I think one exists, just to elucidate other options for either yourself, but mainly for posterity and those who potentially stumble upon this down the way

I think we all might do well to assume our internetting will outlive us, which no one could really know and I doubt it will, but it might and I think pascals wager here might be prudent, but that's just one of many takes im sure.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Theres truth to this but I think the general sentiment is archaic and overblown to the point it's almost anachronistic.

It used to be that cohorts would grow more conservative as they aged - trying to keep everything like they know, essentially. This was true when we built societies that allowed generations to prosper.

We don't see that seismic shift in millennials or the older zoomers. We see the opposite. Millennials onward are actively moving further left, not just appearing further left because the Overton window has shifted. If anything, the window shifting, casting those in the center as "left", hasn't pulled the left to center, but the other way around. It's pushed the center to be more open to the lefts ideas. The left still convulses at the centers ideas, trust me (like student loans).

This is one of those opinions that everyone likes to assume is part of the silent majority but there's just not that as much evidence to back up the confidence in which it's announced - which, remember this, is 100% the main tactic of those in the center. This is the "end of history", everything's figured out, inability to see beyond themselves that makes leftists say neoliberalism (the prevailing media world view, center-right) is a cult or that liberalism is a mental illness -the former I agree with, the latter I do not.

Once this tone is dropped, its a mine field of red flags representing the death of nuance, that we've reached the limits of their rationality and critical thinking.

Just like breaking thru the rights MAGA cult, breaking the centers techno authoritarianism is like explaining 3D to Flatlanders. And if that sounds like gobbledygook to you, you've either been completely sheltered (and in that case, buckle up, things are waaaay worse than you were told growing up) or you're fully indoctrinated into either ideologue. Blinders on. Kamakazi away.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I went to Burger King a couple months back and got me, a friend helping me and my wife each a #1. Nothing special, just basic whopper meal


When did a number one start costing $17 each? Fuuuuuuck that. I paid it knowing full well that that was the last time I'm ever eating fast food, unless its a pair of freshly made deluxes from Dick's in Seattle.

Fools trying to charge sit down pricing for their cut rate food, poverty wages and phenolic benches. Fucking, never. I'm all for millennials killing the fast food industry, c'mon guys, let's get on that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Order the meat without salt too. They all season on the flattop so it'll force them to make fresh.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

When I had that commute I would buy boxes of clifbars and power bars that permanently populated my glovebox. Trail mix in Adams peanut butter jars. Flavored oatmeal with raisins in old jam jars, just grab a cup of boiling water on your way out and pour it in. See also, instant mash potatoes, stuffing, ramen (adding boiling water to ramen and just waiting for it to be ready is the only way I like it now). That was the best idea I ever had before a multi day road trip, please use it.

If anyone has ideas to add to that, I'm all ears. Or any other food-from-home non-shopping ideas (like eating potato salad with Tims salt and vinegar chips, bombdotcom)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

A food handlers license, sure that's not that hard. A food VENDERS license? I've done that. I've opened restaurants from nothing, to where I was climbing thru the walls cutting out the path for the new hood.

There's an exponential fuckton of differences between the two.

And about $500,000-$2M eaaaaasy

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