
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Bamboo is a grass, I think hemp is as well but I can't speak to confidence with that one.

Edit; I looked and best I could find was that cannabis is an herb

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I highly question this. A Dougie at 30 is about a foot across. I just took 7 Dougie's down on my lot, the largest was 24in at chest height. I can see Puget sound from my place. In fact, I actually counted the rings on one of them and it was 101 years old. Shit. Now I'm gonna go look and measure the 30. I dyed every fifth ring when I counted it initially.

K, so at 30y/o the only stump I left in the ground was only 8.5 inches across and 20in in diameter at 101, so that's an easy 24in with the bark. The tree was 120ft tall when I felled it in July. A real shame too, I wanted to keep all of them but fire damage. The next day beetles had already hit all of them. I dropped the trees a week after the fire and debarked them to help protect the wood before i could mill them, and there were hundreds of beetle tracks under the burned bark. Pine beetles live under the bark, in the cambium, no bark=no beetle. But the California wood wasps showed up the day I dropped the bark. Those things are terrifying, jet black, 2.5 inches long with an inch long stinger on top of that, so about the width of your palm. Adult pine beetles are about 3inches long when they emerge too. Wicked little fuckers, the both of them

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That same mindset tends to not apply that to themselves either, being quick to abandon all norms, decorum or decency to attain or retain power.

And then the historical editing comes down heavy handed

He who controls the present controls the past

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's a very capitalist, or monopolistic, worldview.

To run a business corrillary; Exxon and BP were undisputed leaders in their fields going way back, whether or not they were number 1 isn't even important, they were/are major players. Studies were conducted in the 70s that showed climate change was guaranteed (nevermind newsprint from the 1900's talking about the same thing. 120 years ago this was foreseen) gave them 2 options.

  1. Use that knowledge and invest heavily into solar, wind and other energy generating tech, since they already know the energy sector as players in it, they have a huge advantage on every start up. They can control the conversation. If you're business is going to be made obsolete and replaced, well, it makes the most sense for you to do that to yourself, right?

  2. Ooooooooor suppress the research, PR campaign public support, act innocent when scientists with scruples finally catch up, and extract as long as you can while you can.

Which did the ruling capitalist hegemon (cuz oil runs the world) choose?

Giving your kids all the tools so they can go create and contribute however they see fit is a fucking admiral goal. In fact, it's the best you can do for your child. Taking away all challenge and hardship by passing along immeasurable wealth does not help a persons pro-social maturing. How could it, it's isolationist by its own very nature. This is why the Scrooge trope exists.

The same logic needs to be extended to copyright law. 20 years then public domain. You had an idea that took off? Good for you! Now why should the inventor of pixie sticks not have to work ever again? If anything, they've just got the next 20 years of developing and innovating funded. They already have an advantage. Those who fail to use it, imo, shouldnt warrant pity. We shouldn't reward laziness and laurels shouldn't be a ride at societies amusement park.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I believe so, yea

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Que the Iraq war part deux. Immediately followed by the Afghan invasion.

Paid for on credit card. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Don't forget the giant expansion of the government under Bush² either, the TSA, DHS, Medicare expansion

The aughties fucked over the entire upcoming century. Obama swaging the wall street plutocrats after 2008 with, not just the bail outs, but with relaxing corporate control of rental property is looking really, REALLY short sighted about now

Trump repealing Obama's DoddFrankLite is gonna come back and haunt us too, when wall street implodes in the inevitable 2008 repeat, because if you can trust a banker to do anything, it's to suck as much blood out as possible and let the public pay for life support. It's gonna happen again. Guaranteed.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You're not wrong, but at least they got a chance to prepare.

I asked my boomer mother why her generation wasn't leading the revolt. I took the first job I remember her having when I was just a wee one, asked her that pay, extrapolated inflation on it and showed her that she's making the same amount of money today as she was then. Inflation, as a tool to control the masses, has robbed her of every "pay raise" or advancement of her entire life.

Her story is not unique.

That doesn't let them off the hook for the housing market tho, that shit, intentional or not, is literally just robbing their kids and grandkids futures for themselves.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Here's a good article on the difference, for those interested. The pic used as the header is on point.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That town was in New Hampshire, tho I can't recall the name from memory.

They voted out their garbage collection service. Civic overreach or some bullshit. Then the bears came, and got accustomed to being around people. And started breaking into homes. People were attacked. I think there was at least one casualty.

Libertarianism is great for the individual, but anti-thetical to the needs of the group.

I don't know why it's so hard for some people to acknowledge that their own personal choices and beliefs might not make the best policy. Government and law, do not need to mirror your internal dialogue. That is some serious center of the universe shit right there. They'd do well to ponder on the notion of sonder.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Facts. Never doubt these peoples ability to withstand suffering, as long as it makes it worse for the 'other'.

It's sublime and sad and sadistic at the same time. They'll cut off their own nose to spite your face.

I've been unable to find where in the bible this attitude stems from other than a misattributed 'trials and tribulations' vibe.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago (1 children)

C'mon man, that's a little harsh, don't ya think? I get that you don't owe him anything but for real, not everyone's calling is equally rewarding financially, and you know this, and you know how fucked up it is.

Teachers deserve a wage that allows them to save and vacation every year.

In fact, we all do.

Fast food burger flippers do too. Society could afford it before, that we aren't doing it now is the result of policy decisions, not some invisible market moral correction voodoo. Workers at Dicks Burgers in Seattle make $21/hr + bene's and Dicks food is 1000x better than any fast food chain, and cheaper too. The money's there, it's just not being spread around.

Good for you achieving your own security, honestly, I mean that. But the scales being balanced is something we all need to work towards. Youre still working class, and right now the games still rigged to make sure you die broke. If we can't collectively work together to make sure the economy works for us all (cuz what's the point of a society then? It's just a fancy meat grinder otherwise), that paramedics make more than minimum wage. I'd like to live in a world where words matter. Where "essential" workers weren't just sacrificed on the alter of capitalism bc the beaurocratic class got furloughed and are actually treated essential.

Otherwise it's just a matter of time until another round of Reaganomics or fascists usurp power and either way your union gets busted. Ask the control tower what it's like when the government doesn't give a shit about the law, or precident. The law only matters if it's enforced.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Lolololols. K bud. I think that's a a big leap you're taking but you do you.

You can take whatever you want from that, I'm not here to change yr mind.

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