
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I first read this as 'religiois scumbrage' as if you misspelt umbrage. Not only was I wrong once, but twice as well.

But goddamn, scumbrage feels like a word I can get behind.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Yea 1980 is the cut off. And I was born in 81 and while I understand the gen x around me, my values align with working class millennials and gen z.

I've met so many narcissistic gen x that I'm default sus of anyone older than me. Some of the best people I've ever known are gen x. But unfortunately many many more of the worst are too.

Don't misunderstand, I let everyone introduce themselves to me through their own words and actionn. My priors might register but that shits stays in the cupboard, its not even on the back burner. Knowledge of stereotypes, or behaviours associating shit I don't like does not equal those things, and everyone comes blank slate.

It occurs to me now that that's prob a remnant of being raised on the meritocracy mythos. And meritocracy IS a myth, that shit isnt real in the slightest. You can't point at anything in your field of vision and say there, that's merit. It's an illusion, but one that feeds to our innate, internal sense of justice. And if you want to dive into an esoteric rabbit hole, Justice is a much more rewarding one.

Rawls for the win.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Homie. I got a brother just like you. Same incrementalism, progress is slow bullshit. 2 decades ago he would've said weed would forever be illegal.

The 2 main problems with Democrats. And these are the reason you lose elections, btw.

You think youve got all the answers but never listen to anyone describing life out in the everyday. You don't take criticism. You don't even listen. It's why the haute taute epithet is thrown at y'all. Your head is in the clouds. You dictate, you don't conversate.

You can point to all the beaurocracy you want and scream LOOK WHAT WEVE BUILT. But no one asked for that. No one wants that. Dems pass policy that throws everything at corporations and scraps at the peasants. But yo, corporations are the fucking problem, and all sides of the working class agree on that. If that's news to you, you need to listen more and talk less. Bernie got a standing ovation at a Fox News Town Hall. How the fuck do you explain that? That's respect. He got RESPECT from Republican rank and file.

Dems don't create leaders or change. Liberals are socially conciliatory and even at that y'all fail to come across as sincere. Whatever shuts people up and then back to making money. Rename the street BLM but don't change anything REAL. The great Neo-liberal shell game.

Y'all move the needle 2 steps left after people been dying over shit for years just to point at something and act like you moved Gibralter. Then Republicans sweep you, take it back 10 steps and we repeat the process every 8 years while you pat yrself on the back. You're worse than ineffective, you're a distraction from the assholes bleeding our country dry trying to sell us microtransactions in lieu of justice and comradery.

You have no vision. Your colleges teach poli sci under the assumption we have all this shit figured out. It's solved, don't think for yourselves. It's that hubris, that blatant disrespect that's so disgusting. That's social darwinism for the record and if it's unclear, that's one step away from eugenics and only 2 steps away from miasma theory.

Neoliberalism will be remembered that way. Just once removed from Hitler. Future generations will look back at the obfuscation and attempts to come up with any excuse to justify a deliberate system set up to create misery and isolation in people.

House the fucking homeless already. People are more important than profits or property value. Everyday it's not done is another day people are dying.

There's no fucking excuse. GET IT DONE or GTFO. Admit that capitalism is incapable of solving these issues bro. Cause the cruelty is the point of capitalism.

But your false promises.arent working as well anymore. The left and the youth would rather see it burn down then this dystopia of the same fucking never ending problems with lying feckless leaders

Yea, look in the mirror man. If you can't see the ugliness of your party, even after hearing it over and over as I know you have, how the fuck you gonna change it?

Or is it gonna be steps forward, 10 steps back, all the way into fascism and then y'all gonna act like you tried to stop it, when you couldn't even take reports from those on the ground

Pfff. What you're selling has no appeal. Come up with a better offer. People, who you could sway, will vote against you just to say fuck you. You learned that in 2016 right? Or did you not take any criticism YET AGAIN.

I can't talk to democrats. It's a one-sided conversation. You guys to those critical or capitalism are the same bad faith you lobby at the fascists.

Yep. Lumping you next to the facists. That's about right.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Well shit, I was born in 81 whatdya know. I fucking graduated before 2000, you ain't got any footing there. You wanna talk about Jnco's? No Fear shirts? Matt Shepard being drug behind a truck and tied to a fence to die? What were you doin when news of Cobain came out? Shit my first concert was Rage Against the Machine in 96. Fucking good times.

And I knew all that, but all of that means fuckall. She was First lady, then ran for senator of NY, then secretary of state in 2012. But soooo what. What power did she really have?

Who gives a shit what HRC was trying to whip support of while first lady. She couldn't get the support, but fuck her for trying right? I'm not even a democrat, or a fan of Democrats, but I won't knock Americans for trying to help Americans. Even if I disagree with their direction. Motive is important, whole different kinds of laws come into play around it. I don't think anyone ever questioned HRCs patriotism. Hard to argue with the optics of the zero dark thirty war room. She didn't openly call for foreign aid attacking opponents in a political campaign, in and of itself is sedition. Was she a bitch? Probably. Given a choice of a leader who is a bitch vs say Mrs Butterworth, I'll take the bitch, thanks. For fucks sake, you people are impossible. Move to the south and secede. I'll stay in the NW and even vote to pay for your move.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Eh I agree with your first few points but his attire looks as 2023 as 2013 or 2003.

If dude just wants to be his dude self, I don't think that's a knock y'know. Then again, I was laughing when I read about Fetterman in his hoodie and ball shorts in the Senate, where I think your Sundays best is appropriate. So take my opinion for what may. I'm 42 and I still own ripped up jeans and flannels that I've worn since the mid 90s. I don't wear them all the time but that's still just me being me. More often than not you'd find me in a plain color or white T, prob with the sleeves rolled up over my shoulder and shorts on. Doesn't matter what time of year. In the winter id prob be in mud boots and in the summer I wear water socks almost exclusively.

You dress how you feel. My body still feels like I'm 25, just with numb hands in the morning and more scars, well, and in better shape. I haven't slowed down at all. If anything I've sped up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Clinton huh? Modelled off Romney(®)care? The ACA never happened? That was a pretty big deal. I don't agree with it but none the less, you're categorically, empirically wrong.

Go to wiki. Reassess your knowledge base. Milton Friedman. You want to start there.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Unless youre the AG of Missouri suing to stop student loan forgiveness to protect the bottom line of a company, a company that didn't ask for help, upon standing that if company closes up shop then Missouri will lose tax revenue.

This is not what the law is supposed to be

Use of the law like this, ticky tacky application and enforcement, and wholesale non enforcement of the wealthy will lead to no one respecting the law. Because the actions of the judicial branch aren't respectable. Inequality is tracked for a reason. When it becomes too much? Historically, we see revolution. France removed their last monarchs head before it got as bad as it now. So wealth inequality is worse NOW than it was for the French Revolution.

I'm not saying we need to guillotine the 1% and their stooges, but I sure ain't gonna stop anyone who is, know what I mean?

Some people will fear the law, the same way people feared the mafia, but respect? Yea, nope. That's earned. Change the rules all you want, you can't make people respect a bunch of Grammer nazi bitches.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I mean, I halfway agree with you. The World Economic Forum meets up annually. It's a real sanitized name for entrenched wealth, sounds super official, like a neighborhood bus line that fancies itself the "generic county transit authority". I too can call myself an authority on something but that doesn't make it so. Lol.

No one attending was voted into power, all but a handful were born into it. There doesn't need to be any one person in charge when all their motivations already align. Humanity is not inherently hierarchle. So they shmooze, exchange tips, fuck each other wives while wearing masks to hide who they are (you really think Kubrick would've made Eyes Wide Shut if he didn't know that that kind of shit happens irl. Theyl discuss strategies on how to fuck over everyone else on the planet so they'll never have to sweat a drop from hard work unless they want to. They share Panama paper worthy plans and stories from their trips to whomever replaced Epstein. Cuz someone did. I trust the rich two things only, one is be callously, obscenely greedy as fuck and the other: the world's largest collection of pedophiles and rapists. When you can buy anything, including people's children's innocence, with no consequences, what's left to buy? Nothing. Nothing but


id totally give up a genies wish to make everyone attending their annual event, and their entire poison pill blood line, teleport to the bright side surface of mercury, immediately.

My 2nd wish would be to rapture every Christian to the heliopause.

Humanity would be so much better off, idk if I even need the 3rd wish then

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

NeoLiberal refers to lassaiz-faire capitalism. Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet, Marty Friedman and the Chicago school of economics. Ayn Rand.

NeoLiberal has nothing to do with social policy. It doesn't care who is sucking who's dick at church or who's marrying their first cousin in their backyard bud light lazy river.

NeoLiberal = trickledown = Reaganomics

In actuality it's translated as corporatocracy.

What part of Donald Trump is against ANY of that? It is entirely the NeoLiberal revolution of the 80s, and daddies money, that allowed Trump the opportunity to rise in NYC.

Fill me in. Enlighten me. I'll be waiting.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I disagree flat out. MAGA is fullblown neoliberal. They don't want to regulate corporations, they don't want to raise taxes, they want to cut, dismantle regulatory control and shutter the government, allowing those who can to loot unfettered and unimposed. There's a phrase, it's not a war crime if it's the first time; that feels applicable here.

What am I not seeing, how is MAGA not the trickledown zombie if Reagan corpse? Shit, Reagan used the phrase first.

Whats been built in the past 40 years? In America. I don't see any bullet trains, I see stroads. I see some new high rises, but none that push any limits, except maybe the millennium tower in SF, and I assumed we were good letting Pisa hold the leaning tower title, but maybe I assumed wrong.

I'm wracking my head trying to think of a single American innovation that wasn't A. Created by DARPA and the public got the militaries hand me downs (GPS, IBM, Internet, Hubble) or B. Heavily subsidized to fund research and contracts/ preordered by the government.

Capitalists don't innovate. They build systems for wealth extraction. Let's look at the capitalist golden boy, Apple. There was and is no innovation with the iPhone. Phones already existed. So did cameras and MP3 players. Nothing new about a touchscreen or a GUI interface, the iPhone took all these elements and basic microcomputer parts, put it all together, renamed programs as 'apps', and charged $500 for it at a time when cell phones sold off at $200 high end. There is almost no change between models just stronger conponents, they just bricked old ones with updates and bloat forcing upgrading. Which is beyond fucked up. And since the 5c, at least, Apple has just purchased it's components from Samsungs waste bin. For over a decade buying a new $1000 iPhone was the same as buying a 2 year old Samsung, just with lipstick on the pig.

For a good sized segment an iPhone is a status thing. Those with one judge others and look down on them. It works both ways. Those who have an iPhone, I judge to be suckers and idiots. Because y'all got swindled by the greatest swindling modern history. Paying premium for bargain bin tech. Smh.

What reseach wasn't paid for with public money yet the dividends all end up privately gained? What a fucking shell game capitalists play. We're all taken for fools. They don't create jobs, they took over existing industries, lay offs for efficiency, repress competition, merge into monopolies, then it's the enshitification <- where we are now, where user gets fucked, businesses get fucked, but it's a monopoly so what can we all do? Amazon, Google, 2 textbook examples of

Ever wonder why all the billionaires scramble for government contracts? Seriously. All of them. Show me a rich person not on the teat of the fed. I'm going to go with that's because there are no private contracts at that level. Not that there couldn't be, but that would require innovation and risk, and, again, Capitalists don't do that. Why would they? Perfect example. Take Shell, or Chevron. Why wouldn't they, in the 80s start to pivot towards solar and wind? They were the leaders of the energy secter, positioning emerging technology is R+D mixed with ROI. Surely they had people to crunch those numbers. But instead, what does history show they did? Suppress the climate studies, hire the mercs with PhDs to muddy the waters, and extract extract extract. They already have all this infrastructure paid for by the public in tax breaks. They're gonna use that earning potential until it costs more to operate than they can write off, or get tax breaks for.

All the way until they've fucked the climate for everyone else.

Not that they care. If capitalism has an underpinning catch all catch phrase it's, without a doubt, "I got Mine, Fuck you" silhouetted over a picture of someone pulling a ladder up behind them.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (23 children)

Neoliberalism doesn't build, it extracts.

Societies that don't build don't stand for long, and then are forgotten by time because they left nothing to show for themselves.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Good on you. The world needs more of this

Be proud of this. don't lose this, don't let the world beat it out of you.

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