
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Y'know, 20 weeks was the compromise. Arguing fetal personhood is lunacy. LUN.A.CY. even the BIBLE disagrees with that. Compensation for murdered family members didn't have the pregnant wife at 200%. All of which is fucked anyway because it implies people are property, which is something the majority of us don't agree too today. The BIBLE also only mentions abortion ONE TIME and HOW TO GET ONE.

There is no Christian high horse here. I've read the bible. I've studied the bible, as in all I did for months was read that book, have a notepad for thoughts and notation. The Christian right have been manipulated into taking a position that prior to the 70s propaganda campaign they supported (look it up, it's true).

Are these the same people arguing against science and "wokeness" in school? What about their children's rights to factual knowledge or a degree from an accredited school? When do we, as a society, stop letting parents treat their kids as property? Because that's the core of what their doing, and their arguments come in bad faith.

They aren't gonna find the heaven their hoping for, not if that socialist carpenter who fucking hated bankers but loved dinner parties, drinking wine, chillin with the prostitutes. You KNOW JC was singing every fucking shanty known with them fishermen. He must've been the life of every party, by default, yea? Christ also said, so there's absolutely zero confusion, that those that seek forgiveness at the end will not be welcomed into heaven. The religion is modeled, in fact there's a couple books named it in the bible, on ACTS. The followers are supposed to embody the sentiment (WWJD? Letting JC into your heart - meaning to know his mentality so well you are just the kind of person who defaults to the same conclusion he does. So like 3 Christians I've met in my whole life will get to heaven, by the standards Jesus himself laid out)and lead the kind of life that gives to the point of hurting, having FAITH that their needs will be meet, thru the Lord. So a Christian, living the way we're supposed to, is potentially going hungry every night and giving/helping everyone they can trusting that God will send someone to help them. Faith only lives in the face of uncertainty and for those faithful, they'll feel no fear. You have to LIVE the gospel. It takes ACTS. Plural. Many. Daily. You have to be ready to be a martyr. You have to BE the saviour you seek. That's where you'll find heaven. And only there do you find moral high ground.

You can't put onto others that which you won't put on yourself. That includes opinions on how life should be led and what people "should" be allowed to do. People will do what they're gonna do, regardless of legality, imposing the trite into law (say, mixing your fabrics) just diminishes the law, not the person. You can make giving water to the thirsty illegal and it's the law that's the monster there, not the human. Well, the humans behind the law are. Definitely.

So shit man. King Solomon didn't think a baby was of the same value as a grown woman. For almost all of human existence children weren't named until they were thought to survive. First it was 3 years, then naming, then 1 year (as SCIENCE improved) etc.

If science has done one thing, just ONE thing we should all be proud of, it's reducing infant mortality for both the child and the mother. It's assumed they'll both survive now. This essentially presupposes the current argument. We are coming from a condition of Aplenty to even have this argument. Thanks to science, not God - unless you think he's behind the scientists - but then you'd have to accept the scientific definition of zygote, fetus and child - cuz God sent all that right?

God commanded us to be good shepards and use our agency. Part of our agency is what seperates us from beast, and that's our rationality. To be a Christian worthy of heaven you Must. Be. Rational. or not only are you complacently living in sin by ignoring what God wants for us, but you are actively throwing away your God given gifts and FLAUNTING it with pride, hiding behind a misunderstood version of faith.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I never said I was against voting, quite the opposite actually.

I'm just trying to temper expectations back to reality. Voting for change when you have two options 1. Status quo, even tho everyone acknowledges it's not working - for us anyways 2. Fascism.

Ya see how only one side offers change, and that change is terrifying?

The Dems are essentially incapable of leading change that benefits everyone, and when they do pass big policy, it's Republican policy (Welfare to work, 3 strikes, ACA).

Unfortunately for anyone concerned with the future or wanting better, be that the youth or progressives, Liberals (moderate "Democrats", commonly called centrists nowadays)vision of society is what we have. Trickle down. Subscription model everything. Yada yada. When all you care about is money (which is implied by being pro-corporate, socially conciliatory) all you care about is not rocking the boat. It's the mayor of DC naming the street Black Lives Matter to placate unrest, NOT to do ANYTHING actual meaningful, but to do something trite and superficial that liberals can close their ears off to anything else while they point and say "I did something".

Voting my guy, is the START of defense. It is not offense. The difference is CRUCIAL if effecting change is your actual goal. We need precise language, expectations, and goals to ward off the liberal duplicity and double speak. I'm on your side man, I'm just trying to flesh out some of the nuance your way.

And yo, don't at me, we gotta be better than that in an exchange of ideas. You don't know where I'm coming from. I just lost my house and every fucking thing Ive ever owned, and my hedgehogs, on the 5th of July (neighbors fireworks, FML fr). I'm a little busy trying to stay warm and clothed this winter instead of leading a protest, sorry if that doesn't fit your timetable, it doesn't fit mine either.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Prob AI "enhanced", which I assume to mean perfect skin filters, etc, but it could be much much more, and prob will be soon I guess. Like take a real life Joe Dirte and he plops a Lucy Lu filter on and bam.

Just a matter of time, I'm sure.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Conservatives should love this, as it's part of the Original plan right?

Uncap the house. More reps = less power per rep.

I will ALWAYS err on the side of diluting power. Always, All ways.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It's not a war crime if it's the first time..

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

You did give him a good chance. Is that not the longest word outside chemistry and gibberish children's songs?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (29 children)

I disagree. Privacy is one of the innumerable rights described at the end of the document, it's implied not only by the presence of the other specific rights but by society itself. Civilization, morals, even entire cultures (!) existed before the constitution. Personal rights; privacy, bodily autonomy and property were all established before the Enlightenment laid the framework for the American and French revolutions,

[Aside]...ultimately sunsetting the divine right to rule held up by monarchs - which is why it took revolutions - power rarely, and I mean RARELY, steps down voluntarily (I can think of 2 leaders. George Washington and Cincinnatus, that's it). It then Napoleon to settle once and for all, that the only thing divine in their rule is that the people haven't overthrown them yet, which ultimately Big little N had to be reminded of himself! The remaining monarchs are figureheads with democratic parliaments doing the actual governing.

Phew. Anyways

Roe established that doctors should make the medical decisions, that what's discussed between doctor and patient is of no one else's concern and other people need to mind their own fucking business, full fucking stop.

That's rock fucking solid ground, yr high to think otherwise.

I'm fully aware of the subtitles and context that are and were wrapped up in the decision. I know it was sold to the laymen in the press that it's about saving women's lives (from bleeding out in back alley abortions), and that opinion is still true to this day, but it isn't the reason that allowed Roe.

Privacy 100% is solid ground. Funnily enough, in classic conservative colonial thought doublespeak, Alito and his American hating "Originalism" klan whined about protesting outside their houses, while going on about how, because it's not said SPECIFICALLY in the bill of rights there's is no right to privacy. But THEY do. Just not us.

Motherfuckers get killed over twenty fucking dollars on the streets everyday and these bitches wanna come this duplicitous? They're nothing but bad faith. No rational person should respect the law at this point, and I'd argue no one does. Those without means FEAR the law, but respect?! GTFO. Those with means? They'll do w/e the fuck they want. The rules are to keep YOU in line, not for them, sucker.

I don't want, or need Mitchell the plumber, my guy down the street, to pipe in on dietary decisions I'm entertaining due to specific genetic lottery "winnings". Focus on your pipes Mitch, not mine.

We acknowledged, as a society, the need for specialization in trades long ago. Being a blacksmith doesn't make you jeweller just bc you both swing, albeit very different, hammers. Technically Pianists are just swinging hammers too, ya see the point I'm getting at?

No fucking HOA Vice President, military wife, Sunday school teacher and community barber, Karen Antagonist's opinion is NOT valid just because she has one. Her opinion should begin and end with whether she chooses that for herself and then, she needs to shut the fuck up. No one cares about your personal 'why's'. It's personal, leave it that way. The topic is above their pay grade and you know fucking what? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let the professionals do the professionalling, for fucks sake. It allows you to do the you thing that makes you, you, you know (😎). Do that instead.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You've seen less election cycles than I have if you think voting will bring change.

Social unrest, protesting, rioting brings change

Voting (in the past 50 years) simply reaffirms or denies the social unrest. The media talks of nothing else. It's ratify the status quo or the end of democracy, neverminding that the status quo is essentially institutionalized fleecing. We are tax-chattle. Every dollar you save, somehow, in the system entirely built to make that impossible, will be extracted from your body in exchange for medicine. We will all die penniless and propertyless. By design.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

They aren't that different tho. The range of policy and stances in policy would/could/does fall within one single party in the rest of the world. Let's break it down.

Foreign policy = same, cept for the Pro-Putin MAGA crowd. So essentially, there's 2 sides. One side pro-"western" nations (EU, US, Can, Aus, NZ, Jap, SK, Iz, UK) the other is Pro-Putin (Rus, NK, etc, etc)

Economic policy = samesies; both NeoLiberal, both pro-wartime debt spending, both austerity as matter of course, suppressing knowledge of an alternative even existing.

A happy worker is a productive worker. Shut up and do your job.

one side pulls hard hard right, the other comes pre-negotiated to guarantee plans will land further right than they've been written. Like clockwork, undoing the gains from the new deal, slowly and steadily to not invoke revolution. Democrats pass more Republican legislation than Republicans do. We have a choice of working class slavery with no taxes on business or the wealthy, or working class slavery, now but with 10% less taxes on the middle class - but with higher gas prices, cuz fuck you. Since communism fell the US has turned its ire inward trying to turn everyone into proletariat. In other words, with only their labor to sell for $. Add in the destruction of small, local business, rigging the stock market against retail/'dumb' money but usurping retirement accounts and investing everyone's pensions into their pyramid scheme, essentially holding everyone, not just those that want change, hostage

Social policy = the ONLY difference. This manifests not just thru media, but judicially. Both Pro-Police state. Both twist Mass media (and that's 5he only media now) into the 5th government branch, regurgitating the governments propaganda.

Republicans are varying degrees conservative, pining for years long gone that no one has actually lived thru. The right wants a return to the post war era, minus unions, taxes, and civic investment (the things that allowed the middle class to exist). Democrats are socially conciliatory. Which is seen as spineless. They'll go along with the get along. But they'll never actually spur change, just appease w/e unrest and go right back to fellatiating corporations and police unions.

Civilians on both sides want change. Both sides can acknowledge that America is broken but one side says it's because of the transgenders and the gays and the other side just says, to song and dance, "hey, we aren't them 👉" to distract from the pointing fingers at consolidated wealth as the problem.

So it's get in line, act in line, or get benched.

Fuck America. We're out here starving and we have the choice of a road side carcass or a multivitamin but never actual food.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They didn't blackmail, they sandbagged. Suddenly his entire backstory he ran in was a lie, or at least partially ginned up. That he was secretly gay, even tho being a paraplegic. Anything they could somehow spin into turning the guy into a gay communist who drinks puppy milkshakes. All very publically broadcast thru the news. Daily. Non stop. They had a point to make and they made sure every ear within shot would hear it.

I'm no fan of the kid, and he was obviously in way over his head, but his naivity def let a couple skeletons fall out of the church closet.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Fuck I dropped them in 2016 after seeing Blitzer dog on Sanders so bad he was practically cumming on screen. Tucker held his shit together better. And when Tucker Carlson is running circles on you on how to present as neutral and objective, well man, you've arrived at Weekly World News territory.

I won't even open a link to their site, I'll go look at Apnews or Rueters. All CNN does is quote them anyway, they don't do actual reporting anymore. They're all talking head drivel, same, and I mean that, the EXACT SAME format as Fox news. Fuck them. I hope they burn up so bad their shareholders declare bankruptcy.

After Cambridge Analytica I closed up Facebook and went back to reading my news only.

I don't need my upcoming forecast dripping in salacity, undertones, and dog-whistles, thanks.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

No. Musk is a tool, and initially I was on the Tesla/Space X bandwagon (but not a fan of, I remember the hyperloop lies, goalpost moving, etc) but once I got into a Tesla and saw the build quality, for the price, no fucking way. Dash panels that aren't flush, body panels off kilt. No. Component pieces that feel like they came selfnegotiated before stopping at the bureaucrats penny pinching emporium before assembly.

I can build 3 electric cars on some, idk, 90s civic frames with body panels from, let's say, old 90s Saturn's for that price that'll all fit together better than any Tesla.

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