I never said I was against voting, quite the opposite actually.
I'm just trying to temper expectations back to reality. Voting for change when you have two options 1. Status quo, even tho everyone acknowledges it's not working - for us anyways 2. Fascism.
Ya see how only one side offers change, and that change is terrifying?
The Dems are essentially incapable of leading change that benefits everyone, and when they do pass big policy, it's Republican policy (Welfare to work, 3 strikes, ACA).
Unfortunately for anyone concerned with the future or wanting better, be that the youth or progressives, Liberals (moderate "Democrats", commonly called centrists nowadays)vision of society is what we have. Trickle down. Subscription model everything. Yada yada. When all you care about is money (which is implied by being pro-corporate, socially conciliatory) all you care about is not rocking the boat. It's the mayor of DC naming the street Black Lives Matter to placate unrest, NOT to do ANYTHING actual meaningful, but to do something trite and superficial that liberals can close their ears off to anything else while they point and say "I did something".
Voting my guy, is the START of defense. It is not offense. The difference is CRUCIAL if effecting change is your actual goal. We need precise language, expectations, and goals to ward off the liberal duplicity and double speak. I'm on your side man, I'm just trying to flesh out some of the nuance your way.
And yo, don't at me, we gotta be better than that in an exchange of ideas. You don't know where I'm coming from. I just lost my house and every fucking thing Ive ever owned, and my hedgehogs, on the 5th of July (neighbors fireworks, FML fr). I'm a little busy trying to stay warm and clothed this winter instead of leading a protest, sorry if that doesn't fit your timetable, it doesn't fit mine either.
Y'know, 20 weeks was the compromise. Arguing fetal personhood is lunacy. LUN.A.CY. even the BIBLE disagrees with that. Compensation for murdered family members didn't have the pregnant wife at 200%. All of which is fucked anyway because it implies people are property, which is something the majority of us don't agree too today. The BIBLE also only mentions abortion ONE TIME and HOW TO GET ONE.
There is no Christian high horse here. I've read the bible. I've studied the bible, as in all I did for months was read that book, have a notepad for thoughts and notation. The Christian right have been manipulated into taking a position that prior to the 70s propaganda campaign they supported (look it up, it's true).
Are these the same people arguing against science and "wokeness" in school? What about their children's rights to factual knowledge or a degree from an accredited school? When do we, as a society, stop letting parents treat their kids as property? Because that's the core of what their doing, and their arguments come in bad faith.
They aren't gonna find the heaven their hoping for, not if that socialist carpenter who fucking hated bankers but loved dinner parties, drinking wine, chillin with the prostitutes. You KNOW JC was singing every fucking shanty known with them fishermen. He must've been the life of every party, by default, yea? Christ also said, so there's absolutely zero confusion, that those that seek forgiveness at the end will not be welcomed into heaven. The religion is modeled, in fact there's a couple books named it in the bible, on ACTS. The followers are supposed to embody the sentiment (WWJD? Letting JC into your heart - meaning to know his mentality so well you are just the kind of person who defaults to the same conclusion he does. So like 3 Christians I've met in my whole life will get to heaven, by the standards Jesus himself laid out)and lead the kind of life that gives to the point of hurting, having FAITH that their needs will be meet, thru the Lord. So a Christian, living the way we're supposed to, is potentially going hungry every night and giving/helping everyone they can trusting that God will send someone to help them. Faith only lives in the face of uncertainty and for those faithful, they'll feel no fear. You have to LIVE the gospel. It takes ACTS. Plural. Many. Daily. You have to be ready to be a martyr. You have to BE the saviour you seek. That's where you'll find heaven. And only there do you find moral high ground.
You can't put onto others that which you won't put on yourself. That includes opinions on how life should be led and what people "should" be allowed to do. People will do what they're gonna do, regardless of legality, imposing the trite into law (say, mixing your fabrics) just diminishes the law, not the person. You can make giving water to the thirsty illegal and it's the law that's the monster there, not the human. Well, the humans behind the law are. Definitely.
So shit man. King Solomon didn't think a baby was of the same value as a grown woman. For almost all of human existence children weren't named until they were thought to survive. First it was 3 years, then naming, then 1 year (as SCIENCE improved) etc.
If science has done one thing, just ONE thing we should all be proud of, it's reducing infant mortality for both the child and the mother. It's assumed they'll both survive now. This essentially presupposes the current argument. We are coming from a condition of Aplenty to even have this argument. Thanks to science, not God - unless you think he's behind the scientists - but then you'd have to accept the scientific definition of zygote, fetus and child - cuz God sent all that right?
God commanded us to be good shepards and use our agency. Part of our agency is what seperates us from beast, and that's our rationality. To be a Christian worthy of heaven you Must. Be. Rational. or not only are you complacently living in sin by ignoring what God wants for us, but you are actively throwing away your God given gifts and FLAUNTING it with pride, hiding behind a misunderstood version of faith.