Oh fuck yea. My wife said only if she can join too. You're welcome to stay as well. ;)
The most common place to find .1" is on micrometers. And that's just fine until you need to switch it back to imperial or metric for the next processing...which the rest of your tooling is in.
.1" is roughly 2.54mm
.1", fractionally is ~7/64
7/64 is roughly 2.77mm
See how this is recipe for disaster?
I wonder if the FTC didn't fight it because they knew this would happen - because of course it would, and now Lina Khan is just getting her margins right to hit both Tmob and Verizon with antitrust.
God I fucking hope so.
And slap Comcast and Cox fucking senseless while yr at it Lina. Please...? I'll make you dinner everyday for like a month. If you could get fiber classified as a public utility I'll be yr personal chef for a year. Who could say no to that?
This is due to activist investors.
That's people who'll buy up enough stock to be allowed at shareholders meetings and then they'll fucking DRILL the C-suite non-stop, derailing the meetings.
It's a good strategy, even if it forces you in bed with evil. Make the rest of the shareholders undeniably knowledgeable and then theyll have to contend with shame or don the moniker themselves. Or start demanding ethical business practices themselves, which is what the lawsuit is ultimately trying to avoid.
You do you boo but Metrics fucking awesome. It's simple, conversions are super easy, etc. it's just basic numbers. You can thoughtlessly multiply or divide (assuming you could thoughtlessly do that before).
You want a real shite headache? Try translating tenths of inches. I'd just burn the blueprints and tell them to try again.
Listen to Anti-flag's Anatomy of an Enemy
Don't forget the near mandatory and universal steroid abuse. Can't have the walking time bombs with a license to kill be level headed, then it wouldn't be a domestic psyop/terrorism.
The police are terrorists. Listen to their PR announcements, it's nothing but defensive dog whistles and abuse tactics; fear-mongering, gaslighting, etc. Whenever the phrase "controlling the narrative" is uttered, you can believe it comes along with crimes against humanity under the surface.
An argument could be made that retiring cops is defending the constitution. That argument wouldn't hold up in the whack-a-doo courts we have but logic doesn't seem to apply there anymore. It'd hold up on the streets tho.
Except that's not what's written.
It's 0.25/0.5
Raising it exponentially would be
2.5/5, or
1/2≠50. Does not compute.
The Phoenician Q and H are way better than todays. And they got the X-Men belt buckle, that's fucking rad. They can keep it tho; I don't want to give Disney anymore free publicity.
The Greek Delta and Phi can make a comeback tho.
I mean, yes and no. Pearl harbor wasn't the only place hit 12/7. Philipines, Guam and Wake were all hit as well
Hong Kong and Singapore were also attacked and the empire invaded Malaysia.
America took a sharp hit square in the face, but Britain got sent home in a body bag at the end of 1941. By Feb 1942 the UK had lost all of Malaysia, lost Hong Kong and lost Singapore. They lost 12,000 troops, the rest surrendering. Zero soldiers made it home. Out of 120,000. Australia and New Zealand were in extreme danger and the Raj was expecting assault at any moment. I'm the spam of a few months Japan had sunsetted the largest empire the world had ever seen.
America had never been pit against such an enemy. You have to take all of WW2 into that context. Fuck in WW1 they played soccer across no-man's-land on Christmas. The next year the Canadians had arrived and...well...I'm not saying shit about canuckistani military just that over half of the geneva convention exists because of Canada.
Senators go for as little as $2000. I wish I were kidding.