
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I agree with those who say that this is not the right time to adapt Emacs to your use case, being ready to use is simply not its selling point and you would just end up getting frustrated and making comparisons with other things (I.E. vscode).

My advice is to use what you already know and one piece at a time, figure out ways you can adapt your workflow in Emacs.

I warn you that it will not be easy, but if you have well understood the positive factors of this editor, you know how many doors it opens.

Generally speaking I would recommend:

  • yasnippet
  • ivy
  • smartparens
  • hydra
  • request
  • projectile
  • swiper
  • magit
  • counsel
  • org-mode + org-roam

Explore org-mode a bit and try to get a sense of how you can leverage Elisp to do everything! (remember, that you can concatenate the different things and create very articulate workflows.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

So a newbie just popped out, liking the project, posing politely, feeling logically lost because there is so much out there and structured differently (everything you need to add points to the level of confusion), asking for suggestions on how they can arrange something quickly for their context to be able to start using it right away and make do as needed...

Then you come in, the elipsian version of the classic elitist piece of crap on Arch Linux.

I just want to sincerely assure OP that the community here is generally friendly and positive, dickheads like 'this individual who feel like berating for nothing instead of moving on uninteresting topics, are a distinct minority.