Remember Kashogi.
Bet those recommendations were snubbed, because there was insufficient profit to be made by those controlling the purse strings.
Always somebody else supporting this schmuck, never do we hear of him actually paying for something or taking personal responsibility.
u/spez’s management “style” for sure.
Annoyingly lean on facts, but plenty of speculation.
Funny how services that used to work transparently, no longer do.
VPN? Works with some sites, not others. Same with email. Can just see the big G wading into that and the waters being royally roiled.
Just like Trickle Down, “Don’t be evil” has aged well and deserves to be repackaged. /s
Just like Trickle Down, “Don’t be evil” has aged well and deserves to be repackaged. /s
Yeah, let that cat outta the bag at work and now the light roast packets for the machine take a nosedive first thing, then again in the afternoon. Used to be dark roast.
I’ve equated Etsy with fraud ever since I found B&W line art created by a famous comic artist, rescanned, colorized and sold as original by the the Etsy seller.
In case you’re wondering, the original artist was Frank Cho and samples of his work may be viewed here:
Weed smoking will not be confined to the patio, I assure you.
Transparency is not a bad thing, as long as it’s applied equally.