This is when spells that require saving throws come in handy
Re the video games, yes absolutely I've done this. I don't think I've 100% finished a game, at least not in the last 20 years. Playing through the latest Zelda game I had to pick my moment when to go take on the final boss carefully, I know that once I beat a game I'm a lot less inclined to keep going on side quests and finding shrines/korok seeds/whatever collectibles that particular game has. So I wanted to do as much of that as I could before going after Ganondorf, but I also didn't want to wait too long because if I make myself do ALL the side quests and get ALL the collectibles I'll burn and not even bother finishing the game.
Add in a dash of autistic hyperfocus and you can in fact teach yourself enough to get the project done.
Doesn't mean you WILL get it done of course.
Oh neat, I didn't know that! Thanks.
My phone (Pixel 6) doesn't have one but I wish it did. I still use an aux cord to listen in my car or to plug into my amplifier when I practice on headphones, so I have to use 3.5mm to USB-C converter dongles. I also can't charge my phone while using an aux cable now which is annoying.
Yeah, benzos are not too be fucked with but saying they have no medical purpose is just flat out wrong
No, this is business as usual for Reddit
K-L-O-N Los Angeles! KLON Radio
We play the songs that sound more like everyone else
Than anyone else
The basic problem with AI is that it can only learn from things it reads on the Internet, and the Internet is a dark place with a lot of racists.
Looks pretty rad to me
Yamaha owns a lot of smaller companies. Line 6 has been one of their subsidiaries for a while and they recently acquired Ampeg as well, so you can buy a full rig with a bass, effects pedals, amp head and speaker cabs all from Yamaha.
I haven't deleted my account but it's been dormant for a while. I guess at some point it'll get deleted if I don't touch it, which... fine, I guess.