If she's struggling to run and jump at the same time there is no way she's ready for first person camera controls like in minecraft.
Huge agree. If I can watch Redline and Dead Leaves in their original language with English subtitles first and miss nothing when compared to watching the English dub after the fact, I think I can catch pretty much whatever most movies will throw at me just fine.
I was a huge Sonic kid, only had a ps2 during 6th gen so my introduction was Sonic Heroes. When I got a Wii I went back and played the Adventure games. I have mixed feelings on them as an adult, I like pretty much every entry during 6th & 7th gen besides Shadow & 06 since I adored them so much as a kid but I can very easily see the cracks in them now and honestly I don't think I would care for any of them besides Colors & Generations if I didn't grow up with them.
Some games I loved as a kid that 100% hold up as an adult for me however would be Ape Escape 2 & 3, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super Monkey Ball DX, Aqua Aqua, Klonoa 2 & Wii remake, Pac-Man World 2, ExciteBots Trick Racing, and my favorite game of all time which got me into JRPGs Xenoblade 1.
Its really nice to see more motion control games, so glad that they still haven't abandoned it after all these years.
Gameplay looks incredible just from the little bit they've shown, can't wait to see more and it'll most likely be a day 1 buy for me.
That main character looks atrocious though, legit one of the worst scrimblo bimblo designs I've ever seen in my life.
Curious whats new that they could have lined up, I feel like we've gotten pretty much everything we could reasonably expect from them besides a true new Mario Kart entry. Excited regardless though.
Mario Party and Bomberman are the go-to's anytime me and my out-of-state friends meet up, I would see them at specific fighting game tournaments every year but I've fallen out of FGs so I don't know if they keep it going.
Also not quite tradition but every couple years I replay Xenoblade 1. Just did my 4th playthrough last year.
I just use notepad on my desktop, its so much faster than any app and obviously doesn't require me to be online. These pics are mostly how I format it, though I did move it around in paint 3D since its too many games for a single easy screenshot at 8 font lol.
Minecraft, while nothing particularly special to me, is most likely what I would choose. The potential for making your own fun in that game is ridiculous even if its been the victim of bad new mechanics bloating vanilla for the past decade. Even the longest of my favorite games cap out around 200-300 hours with all their content squeezed out of them, and with the amount of gaming I do on the regular thats gonna last me a few months at best.
Foamstars has me interested, though I really doubt it'll run well on PS4 which means I'll have to skip cause there's no way I'm paying for a console with less than 5 original true exclusives.
This and Metaphor were the most fun looking games shown around Summer Games Fest, and will likely be what finally convinces me to get a modern rig.
I think people really just need to vet who they get their games from better. There are quite a few publishers/developers I can absolutely rely on to provide a great product on day 1, and saying never to trust them that puts them in the same category as the shitty ones which is wrong.