Yeah I want to get off Reddit but this place is small and is very political. It's a tiny echo chamber. A very very small one.
Never mind I just looked at you comment history. Everything is political to you. All you do is argue about politics all day. You are sick. Everything is a war to you online and it's all political. You probably forgot who you were even talking to and what about when you started arguing with me. You just reverted back to the only thing you know how to do.
America dumb.
Seriously at what point during this did you decide that it's political and that I'm right wing? I really need to know lmfao.
Dude I'm not even right wing holy shit lmfao you don't even know how to have a conversation. I'm asking you questions and all you can do is insult me and then for some reason decide I'm a right wing person. Like wtf did I even do lmao?? And when the Fuck did you decide this is political. And why do you feel so threatened hahahaha
Dude I was just saying if you think Laos is safe compared to America than go live there lmao
Dude wtf are you talking about
Dude wtf are you even talking about. Noone criticized the place I was born.
Wtf I never said I was afraid lol. But when you go to a third world country and the third world gets ya. Don't be fuckin surprised.
Completely agree.
Dude you'll never get anywhere in here with logic and reason sorry.
I don't agree. For ages in any life or death situation it is woman and children first. Men are the strongest of the bunch, any respectable man is putting his children and wife onto a lifeboat before themselves. You'd have a hard time finding a father/husband who wouldn't.