It's intended for whales and for the 65 crew members to split. But I can't imagine they sell many.
What if, now he's me out, they started to adopt popular policies?
Nah. It's like anywhere else, the loud kinda dumb fucks in the group are trumpers. Don't mistake Twitter for the scene.
The flight against authoritarianism doesn't end. Ever. We could be in an anarcho-communist eutopia, there would still be those who seek to wield power over others.
Changing it is very difficult. It takes 2/3rds of our legislative branch agreeing. We don't see that much.
I think most eth-based transactions happen on different layers and then get settled on the main layer periodically. Same with Bitcoin, come to think of it. TPS doesn't seem like a particularly useful number these days.
Another web developer here, that is how the California and European rules are interpreted. If we're acting in good faith we do not store anything.
Maybe you can find a way to argue user settings and session cookies don't require consent, but I am not a lawyer and I err on the side that doesn't put me out of business.
He wants to change? Maybe he should go to a conversion camp.
I wish plex would bring back plugin support. If my podcasts and audiobooks could live there easily I'd open their app a lot more. Maybe watch some of those old TV and movies they're so excited about.
Is anyone else having issues copying this image? I can't open it directly, it's weird.
Well, the UK wants to negotiate more. The legal action has been paused.
This is one of my favorite episodes of MST3K