I don't know, I'll take my chances in the bunker
Wouldn't know, i gave up on the game a long time ago. Haven't kept up with the latest meta.
What's the point of playing a dead game like tictactoe? Queue times are forever, no battle pass, no microtranactions, no community, no hotas support. Clearly the only winning move is not to play.
Just like the simulations
Thanks to everyone posting in here, couldn't watch the webcast so it was good to catch up on everything that happened!
What has the Empire ever done for us‽
Feels nice to have my two favorite shows be #1 and #2
In our pockets
If you love table salt, but don't like sodium metal, you actually like chlorine gas more than table salt.
Finally! Hope the adaptation is good and doesn't come at the expense of the animators like JJK.
Using Stellarium, I can see that Io transited Jupiter last night. It doesn't quite match OPs photo, but that could be due to being at a different location on earth from where stellarium was simulating, or stellarium is just wrong.