Id like the broken scepter and have it charge incarnon mode using the interact orb mechanic rather than combo.
Give it time, when the 3rd party API shuts down on 6/30 and mods can no longer moderate as needed, you might see some returners
For sure, always need lanthorns
Been wanting mirage prime for a while, might be my chance
Eclipse and hope you get damage boost on boss and not dodge chance, it doesnt share like roar butthe damage boost is 4x.
Then again if you are willing to drop a mod for an augment, you could run Oberon subsume and get like 250% radiation damage which IIRC is archons biggest weakness.
I got an message in my inbox giving me steel essence and some other stuff for apprently clearing zariman, but i still havent, i assume that is for the duviri.
That said im curious what the extractor will come back with in 7 hours.
Its getting added to lone story and experience after this event, so youll continue to get these resources whether you want or not i think
How is it hard to grind? its like the easiest there is. Pick the exterminate BOUNTY, grab like ocucor and Wisp or something, roomba the whole map in like 2 min, do the side objective and kill an angel. Takes maybe 10 min tops? you get 1 pinion + 2 quills which IIRC is 10k standing, throw in some you find in the mission and theres half the standing cap, do a second bounty and now you are rep capped.
It was the orokins intention that some of the female looking warframes have nice badonkadonks on their war machines /s
Ya ive been buying fully leveled rivens for ununsed weapons and having fun that way, people will sell rank 8 rivens for like 20 plat fairly often, picked up an astilla prime riven rolled multi, status and an element on it and itll work just fine. That said if i use my boltor i can tear through an acolyte before it can even blink.
I created my very first lich like 3months ago, it still hasnt left earth and its been covered in strawberry jam ever since. I dont think ill ever bother with it. I dont know how sisters work, but you should be able to still select the base mission and not the boosted one.
Well i stopped making them because they cost 2 forma, and 2 forma cost roughly 30 plat and the adapter costs 20 so unless you are swimming in forma its not worth. And if you spend 50k rep in cephalon, there are mods in there that sell for like 40 plat for 75k rep, so its just not efficient all around especially since you only need to craft roughly 50 of them ever.