
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 years ago

I think it would be cool if each server could also have custom emoji reactions as well.

But even without that, I feel like it could be like Reddit's badges (or whatever they were called), except that these are free

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago (3 children)

For me, blocking is one of the most important features any social app (chats, social media, etc) should have. I tried using Jabber to block my friend and had them message me from Xabber (from which I was entirely unable to block anyone), and their messages came through just fine. Months before that test, I had tried to test blocking someone else, but was unable to unblock them, even though all my clients said they weren't blocked. I simply remained unable to message them, and the client kept telling me I had blocked their JID.

Could this have been an issue with the server I was using?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (12 children)

I wish I could like XMPP, I really do, but no client I have used has a block function properly implemented, as in, you can't unblock people you have blocked, and I tested it with a friend a few weeks ago and found that clients that don't properly implement a block function (as in, not even letting you block anyone) can easily message someone who has blocked them from another client. This is an immediate No for a chat protocol in my opinion


All the New Stuff I've been adding to Moloch has finally reached that point in time where I'm pretty sure it's stable enough to be actually used in like, real runs, done by real Moloch players.

This version adds sound effects, new spell modifiers, achievements, a complete overhaul of the main menu, One (1) necessary optimization to the minimap, and a bunch of other fixes and smaller features.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago (4 children)

I don't see why you'd want to verify whether this specific tweet is authentic or not tho

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Midway through writing this i realized how much of an essay this comment is, so heed this warning i suppose. I'll just copy the last line here because it summarizes this whole thing pretty well: In the end the improvement doesn't really come from the software or its license, but from the context that it exists in.

Free Open Source is definitely better than closed software but "better" doesnt mean "good". Breaking one leg is better than breaking every limb, but I think most people will want to break no limbs, if at all possible. I think it is possible to make licenses that optimize for what in this metaphor would be breaking no limbs, even if we will probably never get to no broken limbs at all. And there are perks about limbs being breakable that we wouldn't get. Bear with me here.

The thing is, software that we license to stop Bad people stops being entirely free, as there are restrictions to its use. We don't want, for example, to help a corporation create tools for surveillance. Say someone's making their own personal digital assistant that has features most digital assistants don't, and that is free and open source. Now imagine google found it.

Yes, they would have to tell people about your alternative, but most people are still not gonna choose it because the one they give is more easily recognizable and Right There. You have helped google create a tool for surveillance and you can't do anything about it other than accept it.

If you think that is ok, then you are agreeing that it's ok to help create tools for mass surveillance (even if not in favor of it). You are allowing it, therefore not against it. This is why true neutrality does not exist, it will always swing towards the ""side"" that is already most powerful.

So what does this mean for open source? Is it bad relative to the rest of current software (which is our current point of reference)? No, it is better. It makes it easier for more people to make things, and even if not all the software that is made is better, a big portion will be, and the portion will be better the more we progress away from the things that make Bad software exist in the first place. It also allows to improve pieces of originally bad software. They are a way to make things better, but they are not where we should stop. I don't think we're ready to have software that is restricted away from people who will use it to be nazis and cause harm, because they will also make software that is restricted away from non-nazis and harm reductionists (i just made that up but hopefully what "harm reductionist" means makes sense). And currently, it looks like that'll be a big section of the software. This kind of fragmentation isn't good because it means that Bad software can't become Good, there is no real improvement.

If the world was less full of people who will use software for Bad things, the losses would be lesser, and we could help prevent the Bad from rising again simply by making it harder for them to get tools to spread out.

In the end the improvement doesn't really come from the software or its license, but from the context that it exists in.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 years ago

sometimes its also "the reader who is knowledgeable on obscure thing X may notice"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 years ago (1 children)

i thought this was a conlanging meme for a second lmao

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 years ago (1 children)

It's been down for a while, its maintainer has not been able to put it back up