I did! Which ages me. They remain one of the top three bands I have seen in person
joined 2 years ago
Riseup.net Private, free, encrypted
Flag says “Pusse” as far as I can tell. Cat has their own flag and is damn happy about it
I agree. It used to be called “working to rule. “ I like “acting your wage”
Less common sense and even more problematic attitudes about consent and age.
“Another option available to Tesla is removing the rear-centre seatbelt and re-certifying the Model 3 as a four-seater.”
Which, if you purchased the vehicle needing or wanting a 5 seater, should make it not fit for purpose under Australian law and require a refund.
It’s been chromed
In Australia, this means putting your friend into check.
Far better to have some false positives than any false negatives
Rise up has changed their invite policy to one every 24 hours. I am sending out invites in order of request, but have had (to date) 21 DM’s. I have to draw a line and will send one per day until I am cut off.