I've never looked at theirs, but I know it's not uncommon for large entities to have handles on big sites just to reserve the real estate so imposters/scammers/bad actors don't move in and take those names.
Their detergent and fabric softer is fantastic!
Was going to suggest this too. We use attitude for all our shower products and have been happy with them for years. +1 for their bulk refill boxes too! Also using them for all our cleaning supplies and laundry supplies too. We have a bulk refill station of their products in the laundry room haha
There's some Facebook 'buy Canadian' groups with over half a million people in - this server occasionally comes up there too when people are looking for Canadian hosted discussion sites to ditch big American tech like reddit or Facebook groups.
This type of business ownership is what I love about so many parts of Europe. The streets are all lined with shops owned by generations of people who live in the area and not by huge multi-national corps. The neighborhood supports the businesses, they help out the neighborhood, and it's a happy community. I wish we could have this here, but it's just a capitalist hellhole.
IMO all government at every level should be mandated to support local and/or Canadian first when possible. I don't why an entity that serves the people can't also be directly supporting those they serve instead of putting that money into other countries - just seems backasswards to me.
On the domain side, I use Canspace. They've always been the cheapest around for .ca domains too which is an added bonus. Been with them probably just under a decade and super happy with the services. Just using for personal use stuff.
Just cancelled my 365 the other day too. Been on Linux for half a year now and forgot I had it until the news of the copilot price increase came out and reminded me. I was happy I could cancel and be refunded the remainder of the term and get some money back in my pocket!
Everywhere I've ever worked has been bought and destroyed by American PE. All were successful and large Canadian employers doing just fine who caught the eye of PE and in many ways were strong armed into a sale or else the PE would just buy up all their competitors, make a super company, and crush them anyway. I wish Canada would see what's going on and regulate PE gobbling up all the successful homegrown companies and local industries. Especially now - we don't need all our major employers here being owned by Americans because what happens what Donny boy passes some absurd law and they have to fire all the Canadians?
Maybe a slider so we can adjust how much "masculine energy" shows up in our feeds?
This is the better path forward.. That everyone just gets so sick of it that they drop it - I've actually seen a lot of that among my own friends over the last week (and we aren't from America even). But the right wingers will never drop it because it's their community and echo chamber, and that's where the further dangers to democracy come into play when they're all in the sandbox together without parents...
Man, what sort of ~~sweatshop~~ industry is this so I can avoid it?