Gotcha, I was confused about what you were noping.
What's your point? A couple hundred cases a year is a data point and according to the CDC (but what do they know?) makes it effectively eliminated in the US. The only way to get it was leaving the country and coming back with it. That is for all intents and purposes a thing of the past. It's cute how badly you want to be right about this but you just aren't.
This is what I keep telling everyone. Quit being polite to these people about their insane ideology. If someone does or says something that aligns with the Maga viewpoint of the world, point out that they are an awful person for that. They will then play the victim every time. Do it anyway and as publicly as possible. Arm yourselves with facts and use them to make these people feel like the idiots they are, because derision is the only thing they understand.
Are you fucking brain damaged?
Obviously the CDC knows more than I do about communicable diseases, that's why I made that sarcastic reply while agreeing with their findings. You were the one that was questioning their language.
It flat out says in that quote the only new cases were from individuals that had traveled outside the country and contracted the disease there. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to spread otherwise, it means that it did not happen. That was up until a bunch of dipshits started deciding that they their kids didn't need the measles vaccine.
The whole point of herd immunity is vaccinating everyone so that the probability of anyone catching it is so low that it is eradicated from the populace. If no one has it, there is nothing available to catch. If only a few people have it then the vast majority of vaccinated individuals either will not catch it or will have drastically diminished symptoms. This is not that difficult.