Naw, me seeing you is incidental man, it's still a small Fediverse. It is interesting how often our paths cross though! Never miss a chance to say hello!
Sure, beyond firing at people who are clearly not civilians, I mean it in the sense of picking your areas of battle to avoid further civilian casualty. If Hamas is using these people as human shields and PR fodder, then why not use your superior force to engage and disengage based on that. The Hamas terrorists aren't going anywhere. You can pick and choose your battle conditions and time should only be a factor that opposes them.
You can advance and retreat at your leisure and drain the opponent through attrition. Find an area you know to be clear of civilians and draw the enemy to you. Any of these methods allow you to set the terms of the battle and control the space in a way that most benefits the moral aspect of your cause.
Your literal last comment to a post titled "‘Gaza will be liberated’: Tens of thousands march in S.F. to support Palestinians"
liberated through saturation bombardment maybe
A bucket it is then!
Another airstrike hit a house near a school at the Bureji refugee camp in central Gaza on Sunday and staff at Al-Aqsa Hospital told the AP at least 13 people were killed
Does anyone know how many air strikes against refugee camps this makes now? Is it 4 or 5?
Israel sure isn't doing Anthony Blinken any favors. That guy has to have ulcers on his ulcers by now. Maybe fuck him though?
Who do Russians like?
Gotta hedge them votes... I mean bets!
Yeah, I don't know if the voting part matters to them any longer...
Don't ask them what they think about black people. Although maybe ask what they think of Jewish or Muslim black people. Out of curiosity. Probably won't be good.
Genocide is any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
3 out of 5 doth still make it a genocide. That law.
Glad I could help you!