Much of Russia’s nuclear arsenal is inoperable due to neglect
I wonder, how true is that and based on what is everybody so certain? I’m sure Russias economy is weak compared to USSRs and they allocate less resources now to sustain stuff, but has anyone actually seen the vaults? For example, this is what a Minuteman III in Wyoming looks like:
This was open to tourists, but shouldn’t that then even look somewhat decent as it should be polished for display? Looks pretty much like the NYC subway. And all I know is that Russias metro looks new and is renewed on many occasions. Just saying😂Something makes me think this is western projection…
You sure about that? Wasn’t Russia like in a much worser shape after WW1 and got raided by line 15 countries at once (“to strangle the bolshevik baby in its crib” according to Churchill)? And they still prevailed?